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Winter Scenery
  • Comments: 12
  • Views: 10,255
Winter Scenery
(by Tobias, Nov 23, 2005)
This drawing is actually a little experiment, since I'm trying a different way of drawing and colouring the picture. I'm using a varying brush size, so if I press harder, the line would get thicker as well, which makes sense since it's like that in real media too ^^

I thought I could do a snow-y drawing, because it's winter and it has snown here already as well ^^; We usually get that much snow in Austria if we're lucky, even though last year it was pretty warm, and actually the first time I didn't have white Christmas - but seeing how cold it's here already, I'm pretty sure that this time we'll have loads of snow in December ^-^

(a curious fact: in our place they say you shouldn't run around barefeet if the month has a "r" in the name - so, in January, February and so on it's a very good idea to be dressed all warmly so you wouldn't catch a cold ^-^ )
Dec 11, 2005 
As always, Toby, you're great with the scenery and its details--including that snowman in the corner of the picture, right in front of the mountain. ^-^ The trees are really realistic, and I can almost imagine people walking around in those houses. ;D

Though, I would suggest that you try a less bluish color for the pathway--try a bit whiter with a tiny tinge of blue, but it's a night drawing and obviously the blue fits the colour scheme with the mountains and all. <3

Cheers for you Toby, you’re so lucky to get so often. I don’t think we get it that much around hear, and I just looove to build different kinds snowman people. This year I’m going to make Phiyrr into a snowman. :3

(Heheh, I guess they would be right, because that would also include November and December, right? I never knew about that, so I guess you learn something new everyday, no? I mean, nobody would like to catch a nasty cold, so it's better to know.)
Dec 12, 2005 
Thanks for your comment ^-^ Actually, the scenery is part of the Trick and Track drawing I posted, I just submitted this first to see whether someone would have any suggestions or such ;3 You're right about the pathway, I wanted to make it easily visible, buut I didn't really know exactly how either ;P If you look at the actual drawing though, you'll see that I added a little snow there - though your suggestion is a good one too, for sure ^-^

Hehe, be sure to take a photo when you're done with that! I'd love to see a snowman looking like Phiyrr - I know I made a little yoshi a couple of years ago which my sister and could sit on (too bad it didn't actually walk around ;_; ). I should make Tobias into a snowman too, buut here it's so cold and windy, being outside for too long just makes me wish for a hot chocolate to warm again ^^; I shall try by best in modelling him once I get back to Austria too, mwahaha >3

Oh yes, but it really depends - two years or so ago, we had it snowing in May - so even if the name of the month doesn't have an 'r' in it, you still don't want to run around barefeet with that weather X3 So .. err .. don't sue me if you get sick anyway (gotta think of everything after all - here they even print "Caution! Content's hot" on the cups of tea and coffee ;P )
Dec 21, 2005 
No problem, it’s actually pretty helpful to comment on other people’s drawings, because then you find what mistakes others might have, you also find your own mistakes. ;D Yep, yep, I see, it, it looks less watery now. But, for later snow paths in pictures, try to draw it all white, and then a bit of shadow on the sides, if you want, and it’s a sunny picture.

The snow sort of melted by now, but it’s going to snow again soon, sooo, I’ll get you a picture of a Phiyrr snowman soon. Heheh, that yoshi must have been really cute, as well as big; it must have taken some time. If you don’t have the time, I could make a Toby snowman, too. But it probably won’t be that good, because I’m not very good and modeling, but I shall try. <3

Heheheh, I wonder if somebody gullible actually tried to walk ‘round without any shoes? XD Don’t worry, I won’t sue you, I’ll probably be happy because I get to have a free day of doing nothing. (Oh yes, they put those signs because a woman, being very stupid, spilled hot coffee over herself while trying to feed her dog with the other hand; she sued a restaurant because of that. I mean, who actually does that? ;P)
Dec 23, 2005 
Oh yes, I definitely agree with you ^-^ Writing critiques for other drawings kind of makes you look for the same flaws on your own one, and you pay more attention to different things as well ^^ Aaaand thank you for your suggestion too, I'll try it on my next snow-y drawing (which will come for sure ^^ ), especially since I should really draw a few sunny daytime pictures again, all my last ones were pretty dark (I liked how the colours stood out though!)

Oh, saaame here, pretty much ^^ It warmed up a little (which I definitely don't complain about), so the snow is slowly melting, though there's still pleeenty there so we'll be sure to have white Christmas ^-^ (and there's always the chance of snowing, too ^^ ) A Toby snowseal? That'd look fun, I'm sure, though he's probably hard to get right ;P You can make a biiig one though, then you could ride on him as well (or at least pretend to, since he won't move too far, uuunless you build him on a steep slope and hop on him full of verve, in which case you miiight get a fast ride down X3 And snow-phiyrr would look adorable as well, I can imagine ^^ You could also make one of your neopets and say you painted them with the snow paintbrush ;3

Noooo idea, but I don't think so, it'd be kind of .. weird going over the snow barefeet ^^; Plus it'd make you sick and everything as well ^^ (Well, that woman obviously did ;P And who knows what she's going to try next, she might go to your page, try to comment and then slip off the mouse with her hand and breaking one of her fingernails! Then she might sue the person who sold the mouse .. or you O.O because you made her comment on your page ;3 )

Feb 5, 2006 
sweeeeet love it
Feb 5, 2006 
Thank you! <3
Jul 31, 2006 
i love it!
Jul 31, 2006 
Thank you ^-^
Dec 10, 2006 
Its very nice. Its very pretty.
Jan 30, 2007 
It is like totaly totaly totaly totaly like AMAZING!!!
Feb 8, 2007 
Feb 20, 2007 
Thankies ^-^

(did you see the bigger picture this drawing is part of, too? :3 )
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