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RO Fanart!
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RO Fanart!
(by Tobias, Dec 23, 2006)
Heeere we go once again ;P This is a little fanart picture for RO, whiiich I've been playing for a while now, that's all ^-^ It's a fun game to play, and the soundtrack alone is very worth listening to as well, I'd say - they even brought out a CD with the in-game music, which is reeeally nice to listen to (actually I'm listening to it right now), and even in-game the music .. just goes along so well with everything, it's amazing ^-^

There really isn't that much to say about the drawing itself - I guess you'll have to play the game to actually understand it ;P The characters are Tizzi (I know, I'm soooo creative with my names) and Orangie - a fellow priest(ress) I hang out with in Niflheim a lot, who simply looooves to hit big bad monsters with her book. Seriously, no matter how fierce and dangerous the monsters are (such as the Dullahan next to her, a monster that lives in the fields around Niflheim), there's a biiig chance she'd end up right next to them and whacking them to death with her book X3

(or trying to, at least ;P )

Phear my human-drawing skills! XP
Dec 24, 2006 
Haha its Cote (Cool+Cute) =P
Dec 25, 2006 
Thank you ^-^
Dec 25, 2006 
Awr! That's extremely cute - hitting a monster with a book? :3

You draw humans quite well, actually, as if they were all in chibi form. ^-^;;
Dec 31, 2006 
D'aww, thankies ^-^ (and .. chibi? Heh, I didn't intend to draw them in chibi form, buuut they just turned out like that X3 I'm definitely glad to hear you like them, though ^-^ )

<3, Toby
Jan 11, 2007 
Well, your style is mostly chibi, because it's so cute, even when drawing humans. xD
Dec 26, 2006 
Heh, I have to download that game again, I couldn't fit it on my p3 player to get it across to my laptop. ^^; (And it was wiped off the main computer with the virus.) I think I'd probably choose to be a dancer. Pity girls can't be bards. ;___;

This is really adorable, I love the evpression of the girl hitting the monster with a book. xD And Tizzi looks quite stunned. ;P
Dec 31, 2006 
You shouuuuld ^-^ If you want, I can also download it for you and post you the DVD? Just let me know - if you want me to post it to you, it'll take about a week to arrive, and if you download it yourself, it'll be done .. whenever you finish downloading it X3 Plus, if you have a CD-recorder, you can actually burn the file on two CDs too, to get it on your laptop - I could show you how, it's really easy ^-^

(you could have a girl and a guy character, too X3 Just be wary that for some weeeeird reason, girl characters receive more help from other players than guy characters ;P I wooonder why .. )

And glad to hear you like it ^-^ (and yush, he does look quite stunned - that monster there isn't quite the one you'd want to poke with your staff/book, you know X3 )
Jan 1, 2007 
Oh if you could burn it and post it to me that'd be great - I did manage to download it onto my laptop (we've recently increaced the speed of our internet connection, so it only took about 8 hours this time, instead of 20) but then it said that the startup file was corrupted!! ;___; I was moving the laptop in and out of wireless range all day, so that probably messed with the download. I haven't bothered trying again yet.

Heh, I'd feel weired playing as a guy though... ^^; I guess I could have one dancer and one theif, that'd be okay. :D
Jan 5, 2007 
Okay, I'll definitely do that then ^-^ Just give me some time to prepare everything, since *just* sending you a DVD feels a little .. empty ;P (and yay, glad to hear ^-^ You're not affected by the recent earthquake they had in Asia either, are you? :3 I've never timed my download, I just .. started it, and at some point later it finished X3 )

Same for me ;P Of course, you could just make it a game and act all cliché-like as a guy X3 A thief? That'd be something new - I've never had any of my friends playing as one before ^-^
Jan 8, 2007 
Oh no, I don't think any earthquakes could have effects reaching quite so far as Perth. I'm pretty sure Australia has no major fault lines anywhere close. In fact, the closest thing I've ever felt to an 'earthquake' is the blasting from the mines in Kalgoorie. xD (They use dynamite to blow tunnels.)

Dancers get to turn into gypseys, don't they? Being a gypsey would be nice. But then, a little theif would be so cute... Ah, I don't know what to choose!! :P
Heather Franzen
Jan 1, 2007 
I want to play that game... Everyone always talks about it hehe. I have no space whatsoever on my computer though
=[ Oh well. I shall play it one day, that's for sure ^-^

I love their expressions. Especially Orangie. Even in monster battles you make the characters cute.

Are you going to color this anytime soon?
Jan 1, 2007 
Meep, thank you ^-^ And yush, you should! You could even tell me when you have it installed, then we could play together, too - those monsters wouldn't stand the slightest chance against us!!

(ooh, and nope, I don't think I'll colour it, it was just meant as a little sketch and .. just to doodle and draw a little ^-^ I might shade it with pencil however, or outline it and make it a colouring-page!)
Feb 12, 2007 
Haha~~! XDDD It's so adorable how she just whacks them with her little book. XP I bet you're paranoid of her a lot and would heal her constantly. XP
Feb 14, 2007 
D'aww, thankies ^-^ Hehe, you know what, this really sounds like you know RO quiiiiite a bit, do you by any chance have an account as well, mayyyybe even on aRO? *hinthint*

Take care,
Mar 4, 2007 
Aww, I'm sorry, I don't have one on RP yet, I was just basing my knowledge from previous RPG type games I'm played. XD But I will eventually....eventually.. D:
Mar 8, 2007 
(Oh my, I can't believe I haven't commented on this yet. For some reason, I don't think I ever got a notification through email. ^^; Sorry about that!)

From your descriptions, I'm assuming you're having a pretty fun time with RO. ^-^ I haven't played an RPG in a long time. The last I think was...Golden Sun, but my brother is currently having fun with Tales of Symphonia.

Is hitting a bad guy with a book one possible attack you can do? ;P I just hope it doesn't break, because many items inexplicably do that for some reason. XD Agh, I'm a confused noob. :[

The drawing itself is just adorably cute. X3 Defeating knights with books is the way to go! You can give it...paper cuts! 8D Or maybe knock it out by whacking it on the head!
May 4, 2007 
Hehe! I remember you talking about Orangie ^-^ She seems to have lots of fun with that book of hers, just like I do with my mighty staff! Get 'em Orangie!! /gg! Tizzi looks really surprised, dispite that the Safety Wall is up X3 And yes, the soundtrack is definitely worth listening to ^-^

Okay, now about the picture ;P I don't know why you think that you draw humans badly, I think they're adorable! ^-^ Their expressions are super-cute. The papers flying around that Dullahan is a nice touch too ^^ Orangie would love it, maybe you could show it to her if you haven't already! And if you do ever outline it, I may get around to coloring this all pretty ^-^

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