Comments & Critique
Written by Tobias on Feb 18, 2011
There's a bunch of ways - some of the "harder" quests you can complete will give you tokens, most notably "Treasure Hunt" (offered by Choco just outside the village), or the quests about defending the storeroom in the cafe.

Also, all mini-guardians and guardians drop tokens:
- the bigger Bluebell you may see roaming around in the east forest, near the caves,
- Zandra, inside the Gnat Burrow in the west forest,
- the Orchid Fly in the high plains,
- and, of course, all dungeon guardians.
Feb 18, 2011 
Thanks.As you can see,I reay like your game.

Say,i've got a suggestion 4 u:
On this show called Spice and Wolf,there was purity as well as coin types.A somewhat pure gold was about 40 silver of the same purity.
I was just thinking that there could be purities of coins.
Feb 18, 2011 
You're welcome - and glad you like it. ^-^ You've seen a lot of it already, the parts you're currently at are what I'm working on. The dungeons might be a bit difficult alone, so be careful. :3

There's .. some sort of purity and coin types. Right now I have small silver coins, regular silver coins, ancient silver, and gold coins - each one of them is worth more than the other. I might split the gold coins up into small gold coins, regular gold coins and ancient gold coins - but at the moment I have too many items for the handful of dungeons in-game.

The money you get from selling is always the same silver and gold though. Your character exchanges 100 silver coins for 1 gold coin automatically, so that it never needs to carry *too* much around. ^^
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