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Up in the Sky
  • Fan-Art for Sylvana
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  • Comments: 26
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Up in the Sky
(by Tobias, Sep 26, 2004)
Wellll .. that would be Tobias and Sylvana, sitting high up in the sky, on soft and fluffy clouds .. meep, they looked so nice from above, one really wants to play and jump around on them (of course only those white ones, not the grey-ish black ones ^^) - too bad it's not possible ;_;

Anyhow, I coloured it, since .. well, I didn't use my tablet for weeks, so I wanted to start practicing again .. you know, once loses practice when not doing something for a time, I guess ^^; .. plus, kind of as a 'thank you' to that blue-black-ish wolf, for being such a nice friend ^-^

Edit: Fixed the playback file ^^
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Sep 28, 2004 
Meep! This is adorable...aww I just love it alot <3.

And I watched it too! The clouds look all soft and nice to jump on. Tobias looks adorable and you did the fusion-thingy really well too =3

*tackles* Whee! Made my day x3
Sep 28, 2004 
*bounces* yay, that's good to hear that you like it ^^ whee, and you watched it even? I hope it was entertaining =3

Aww, glad to make your day ^-^ Want to play chase on those clouds? But watch your step, I can't fly ^^;
Sep 28, 2004 
*bounces too* Uh-huh It was entertaining =3

Yup! We would just have to be careful if we play tag....I don't wanna fall off x_X
Sep 28, 2004 
*keeps bouncing* yaay .. like in a cinema =3 popcorn anyone?

Yush yush, of course we would be careful, I don't want any of us falling off a cloud ^^;

Mwahaha, chase the black-blue wolf-y? X3
Sep 28, 2004 
*bounces* Popcorn...with extra butter and some salt!

Meep...Lolly could save us! x3 Koshi too is she's still riding her balloons *pokes*

Muaha....Chase the brown seal-y =3
Sep 28, 2004 
*bounces* yaay! as long as it isn't popcorn with extra sugar and ice cream X3

Yush yush, do you think she could carry both of us? Hehe, we could all go on a balloon trip .. well, of course with extra balloons, so they can carry us all ^^;

Nu-uh .. chase that cheeky wolf-y X3
Sep 28, 2004 
*bounces* Ick x_X

Maybe in a hot air balloon! x3

Nu-uh chase that fuzzy seal-y X3
Sep 28, 2004 
I am Sylvana's friend and I would like to say, OMGOMGOMGOMG! That's like so awesome. You're too great!
Sep 28, 2004 
*waves* Hiiii 'Lyssa!
Sep 28, 2004 
Aww, thank you Alyssa, glad you like it. Do you draw as well? ^-^
Sep 28, 2004 
I'm not sure if she'll reply but her art is ^^
Sep 28, 2004 
Good to know, thanks, Sylvana .. I first looked at but that was empty XP
Sep 28, 2004 
Meep! Figures x3
Sep 28, 2004 
hey, how could I know? ^^;
Sep 29, 2004 
Hmm....She's on my friend's list in my if you looked there too x3
Sep 28, 2004 
That was awesome Tobers, always fun watching those (Though I've only seen two I still think it's quite hip-like ^^;). You did it so well and it only took five layers... (The original sketch looked adorable by the way ^^). My favorite part was when you drew out the snout and eye area- you made it look way easy. :3 OC3 looks pretty neat too; it let's you have all five pens out at once, and oh so many more things to it. I'm sure there's more with the real version but yeah, quite jammin'.

It's always nice seeing Tobias' fur look so bright and vivid, I like how it all goes with his eye color when you make it like so. ^^ And shame on me for not noticing Sylvana's character had mixed eyes... or maybe I just forgot. @.@;

So yes, that was awesome and hopefully there'll be more to watch in the future. ;P Ooh, and I almost forgot, that cloud above Toby's tail; is that a cloud ball he's balancing? At first I thought it was just a coincedence, but since it has the outline around it I suppose I was wrong at first. ^^ such talent; you can balance them on your nose and your tail, even while balancing yourself one handed... I'd think seals are more built for that than yoshies. X3 Great job Tobers.
Sep 29, 2004 
Hi Nishi ^^

Actually, I don't really count the layers, if I mess up a lot, and often, I easily get over ten to twenty layers .. but then it's hardly possibly to draw anymore, since it's all so slow .. so I have to merge them again ^^;
Oooh .. the snout is actually pretty easy .. I just make the bottom a bit darker and the top a bit brighter, that's pretty much it ^^ and the eye isn't much different too, besides, your snouts and eyes look wonderfully drawn just as well, so who am I to talk? X3
Actually, if you downloaded OC3, it can do exactly the same as the full version (it just can't save after some time, that's all).

Yush yush, that was actually why they're yellow-gold-ish, since they fit his fur .. I had them blue too, and a very good friend of mine drew them turquise even, which seem to fit very nicely as well. I think it's the first time I drew Sylvana's character with both eyes open, so it's not your fault at all ^-^

Yay for noticing the cloud ball (even if it just doesn't look like it's on his tail ^^; ). Ooooh, I'm sure you can do that, I heard yoshies are pretty good in balancing? <.< *throws him a cloud ball*
Sep 29, 2004 
Hey hey hey Tobers :3

Ooh, well you did a fine job keeping them moderated on this on at least; but with some of your pictures I wouldn't be surprised with how many layers it'd take to get them to look so wonderful. ^^
Eep, I guess sometimes I'd just overthink things and not realize how simply they can be done. ^^; Thanks for the compliment though. X3
Ooh, well I guess that really helps knowing everything you can do with the program. ^^

I'm sure Toby'd look good with almost any eye color, well maybe not red or grey or something like that... but I'd think green could fit nicely as well. :P And oh yeah, aside from this the last two picturs of her I saw she had her eyes all ^^ like.. so that explains a lot. ^^;

Luckily a ball made out of a cloud wouldn't be too too heavy or slippery. I guess if I do drop it, yoshi tongues can always come in handy. =3 *Starts to lose balance of the cloud ball already* @.@
Sep 29, 2004 
Yes, clouds do look fun to play on..seems like I'm not the only one who's always wanted to. ;3 Great job, the clouds look fluffy and Toby actually appears lighter here than in other recent pictures, while Sylvana seems darker. She even has a little collar tag now, yay! Hmm, so the 'fusion' form has a black one, rather than gold? It does fit with her dark fur, even though then the earrings stand out a lot, but...if those were black too, she'd just look way too dark. X3 The pose is really cute too, the way you can see her foot pads, and Tobias is looking like a very athletic seal. Must be hard to do with flippers, just be careful not to fall off. ^^;
That's a cloud ball on his tail? I see now from reading comments underneath, hehe. Though it doesn't quite seem like he could be balancing it that way, since it looks like it's behind his tail...maybe it could be right on top, or between the two fins? But that was all I could think of. Anyways, nice work! =3
Sep 29, 2004 
Yush yush, and especially from above they look soft and cuddly, like as if you could just get off that plane and land on one =3
Sylvana I probably made too dark, come to think of it, but good to hear Tobias is bright enough .. for some reason, by drawings always turn out a little dark ^^;
Actually .. you're right, I think Sylvana's collar is golden, but I'm not sure ^^ I just thought it would look good on her, but come to think of it, so would a golden one ^-^
I'll be very careful, thanks *nods* Yes, you're right, that's how I saw it too, like as if the cloud is way in the background .. that's why I made the outline a little darker, but it still doesn't look just right .. meep, probably putting the fins behind it would work, or like you said, between the two fins, so they range into the cloud ball? Thanks a lot for your comment and the suggestions, I appreciate them a lot <3
Oct 3, 2004 
wow, very cute indeed! Though sylvana looks waaaay too dark. But her collar looks awsome, as well as her paws. Toby looks a bit odd as well. His arms looks a bit too skinny,and his tail looks too crumpled, but it is just a little picture after all, nota big one. eheh, you gotta watch out for the grey ones, they might give you an unexpected shock. ;3 *zap*
Oct 3, 2004 
Meep, must be my screen X.x A lot of my pictures end up too dark, sooo .. I made my screen darker now, we'll see on my next drawing whether it worked XP
Yup, the grey ones can be a pretty shocking experience at times >3 Mwahaha, buuut you need to watch out just as well for those when you're jumping from cloud to cloud or flying around XP
Oct 19, 2004 
that's really cute ^^
Nicole Da Cat (aka Nicole-lune)
Nov 21, 2004 
Aww. ^-^ What a cute picture. I've got to say, it's wonderful. You can tell you put a lot of love and care into this picture. :3 Once again, I love your style. It gives the picture lots of character, and of course, it looks fluffy. x3 Awesome job!
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