[Submitted Image]
(by Tobias, Feb 27, 2005)
I'm just getting more and more creative with my titles, right? XP

This is a drawing I meant to do for a while already, it actually started out as a pencil drawing (all shaded, too) which I liked and decided that I should redraw it with the tablet ^-^ The drawing itself has a loooong story behind it too, involving loads of ice and coldness, and even a snowstorm, buuuut .. I guess I'll spare you with the details ;P

I downsized the picture to about a third of it size, to make it more convenient to look at - it's still pretty large, for most (including me ;P ) it'd probably mean they'll have to scroll a little, so forgive me - I just found that otherwise details would get lost (and those who don't plan looking at them would look at the preview only anyway) ^-^
Feb 27, 2005 
Wow, thats really pretty...the sunset looks like, perfect. X3

The little details like the lizard and the mouse, the flowers in the distance, and the sun flare makes you want to look through it and find all the small things. One of the great attributes of your work, no doubt. :D

Its nice to see another work from you again, keep it up. n_n
Feb 27, 2005 
Beautiful work. I love the colours and the lighting is fantastic. The little lizard and the mouse at the bottom are so cute. ^-^ The lighting appears to be too bold on the flowers that are holding the hammock up, and not quite the right colouring for the light from the sun, but otherwise, you've done a fantastic job.

I'm sorry that this comment isn't as long as my previous comments, it's just that deviantART will be going down in a moment for scheduled maintenance. :/
Feb 27, 2005 
Wow, it's aboslutely gorgeous! I've always had a weakness for sunset colours, they're just so beautiful~ You've captured the sunset itself very well, too! It might be a bit too dark around the "edges" of the sky, but I actually think it looks better that way =P More magical. The details on the grass are also really interesting. Loving that little mouse and lizard! x3

I missed seeing your work =P
Feb 27, 2005 
Looks like you spent alot of time on this one :)

The coloring is awsome
Feb 27, 2005 
^- That is just too cute Toby.

I love the colours and the setting. Looks like alot of work went into this.
Its about time we saw a deviation pop in our message centre from you ;)

Loving your work. Keep it up :love:

Feb 27, 2005 
Oh how cute! The atmosphere in this pic is done perfectly! and the colors are just like out of a picture book. well done indeed!
Feb 28, 2005 
Ohh, wow..I always have difficulty starting these comments on your art because there's just sooo much to say(if a picture is worth a thousand words, yours are worth a million!), buuut I'll do my best ^-^
This was really a huge surprise, despite that I saw the sketch already, I had no idea you'd color and submit it. In fact, When you told me you submitting something, I was expecting a 'polished up' version of only the mouse and lizard(you told me the original had more to it, but I didn't think it was anywhere near this much *-*). It's just plain gorgeous..the sunset especially stands out, looking as warm and luminous as fire pretty much being the life of the image(hence the's simple, but fits perfectly, so no worries about that at all *giggle* ). I can even see a sort of sun flare, yet you don't use any special brushes or filters, so it's really impressive. It's actually so well done I feel as if I shouldn't stare at it too long, even though it's hard not to. *-* I wondered at first about the streak going through the grass, which appears to be water, whether it's a stream or such, but it also reminds me of the little stream-like shapes that form when the tide goes out, so either way it looks nice. Which also made me wonder about the grass that's up to the water, since I'd probably have expected sand for a beach..nothing's wrong with it of course, I've just not seen it before in nature, though I'm sure there are certain spots where the grass goes out that far as well. ;} The palm trees look realistic, especially the coconuts, since one can see all the 'hairs' on them. The hammock you did nicely as well, it appears stretched and hanging yet sturdy, and comfy as well. The little flowers on the trees are what I'd say stand out the most besides the sunset, adding a lot of color and such, so they're a great addition. The various flowers and foliage around really add a lot to the atmosphere, being detailed and making everything look lush and green(the perfect place for iguanas ;P), plus the perspectives on them is perfect..I always have trouble getting flowers to look real, but your drawings have helped a lot. Last but not least, you drew out characters adorably as always, and the pearl necklace on Lenore looks really pretty. Overall it's a beautiful and calming piece to look at, I'm incredibly lucky to receive it and to know you as a friend..I'll treasure it always ^-^ *hug*

+fav <3
Feb 28, 2005 
oh wow! It's about time you made another picture, eh? *giggle* anyways, over all this is amazing! all the details have had intense thought...very nice. The only major nit pick I'd tell is that the flowers connected to the hammock look way too bright compared to everything else. aw....would have been cool if theres were dragons in the sky (;P ) but that cute little gecko will make up for it..and I've ntocied that a majority of your pictures have little geckos... *giggle* Nicely done toby! I look forward to your future arts!
Mar 3, 2005 
Heh, you're right ^-^ I actually thought they were pretty the way they were, looking all vivid and such, but if everyone notices them as too bright, there must be something true, right? *giggles* I have changed it and made them darker, and they look a lot better indeed now .. I'll use the new picture on the print already, and maybe update the deviation itself too - anyhow, thanks for your critique, it's appreciated ^-^
Hehe, yush, eeeven though, I can just think of two, off the top of my head .. buuut you're right, well noticed, in any case ;P
Mar 5, 2005 
ohoh! I also have another critque. :3 see the rivers? they looks too round and three dimensional. if you added more shading (the shade coming from the land that is in front of the river) to make it look more realistic, and less like a three dimensional stick. *giggle*

heh, I couldnt help see the flowers, they really did catch my attetnion. ^-^
Mar 3, 2005 
Hah.. I wish I could leave some spiffy comment like everybody else. . but I'm a retard XD It's very pretty.. and serene.. *can't think of much else to say* +fav :D
Mar 3, 2005 
Amazing work on this! I am simply amazed by the details in this! All the colors are so beautiful together as well too. ^_^ Great work..
Mar 3, 2005 
Oh wow, that's so beautifull!! *Sighs* Warm tropical sunsets... so romantic... =^^= (You'd better get out of there before monsoon season though!)

I love how you put in such tiny little details, all the flowers, and the little lizard... I love the lighting you've used as well, and the sky is stunning!! It looks like it's aflame... The palm trees are adorable. XD (Yes, adorable trees. They smile at me. XD) I like how you did the tiny folds in the hammock, oh, and the crosshatching-shading on the palm trunks rocks!! 'Tis a beautifull picceh. ;P
Mar 3, 2005 
The sunset coloring is so rich and warm, so inviting. I feel like I am sitting right there looking at the lovely view as if I was a character inthe piece. This is terrific in so many ways, a nice change from the icy feel of your past works, this one is so relaxing and makes me feel cozy and cuddly. I always enjoy seeing your work

Excellent stuff here, I have no crit at all on this one. :)
Mar 4, 2005 
Ooh, it's so neat getting to see the flowers as they were before and after the edit. ^^ Your idea of using them to lighten up the picture in darker areas was still very neat, in my opinion, but now in the edit it really seems as though they're in the picture with everything else. They have the same vivid lighting from the sun along with the heavy shading... either way they brighten up the scene. I think I like the edited way better though since it fits in so well and the flowers have a little more varied color to them. ^^
The few brighter orange spots in the sky a smidge above the sun are there for the camera glare and the other effects the sun has on pictures, right? That's what it looks like to me anyways, it's wonderful you did it on your own without using a digital effect, and you made it look quite moderate too... so it's not impacting the picture too heavily or too little.

I forgot to mention the little detail of how you only included the lighting and wrinkles on the hammoc where the sun shows through, and left the areas dark where the characters are sitting, or laying perhaps. X3 Totally realistic, bravo. :3

From what's seen of the characters, they look well done, you included shading behind them from the sun in areas which would need to be darkened, but you kept a bit of light in areas that would be appropriate so that there'd still be detail there. ^^ And I love the pearl neclace too, kind of odd that someone'd wear it like that, but it did help show them off for the picture, and it's actually pretty cute that way. Definitely well done Tobers, super joberoo!
Mar 5, 2005 
Wow, very nice! Very, umm.. lively (I can't find the adjective worth describing it properly) colors along the horizon and over the sky. Took me a few minutes to see that lizard in the grass ^^; and that mouse (I didn't realize there was a mouse until I read one of the previous comments).
I've had an idea for drawing a picture of a sunset... but I'm not really good at it (its not perfect... nor is it really good looking either... ended up getting to shadowed x.x; ).
Mar 5, 2005 
Sunset? Even though it's a short and simple title, I think it's pretty creative ;3 Besides, what other title could have fit this?

This is very, VERY beautiful ^-^ There's so much to comment on..@o@;;..

So Let's start With Lenore and Toby :3. The shapes of their heads are very well done, especially Lenore's. Those big 'ol ears..although I can't see her face, I can imagine how cute it is even by just looking at the back of her head ;P The pearl necklace around her looks a little weird though..some of the pearls seem a bit too far from each other, while others are close. Then again, that's usually how pearl necklaces are XD The way you decided to make the necklace on her head instead of just around her neck is very creative o.o; It's amazing how such little details can make all the difference, ne? *giggle*

They way you drew*thinks of the name* ..;_; I'm so stupid. I can't remember what that brown thing they're laying on is called..and I have one in my backyard..>< Oh well :3 It's looks very nice, especially with all the wrinkles you drew. It looks like it's leaning a bit more to the right side, but usually when you hang those things up they'll always hang more to one side soo..yeaah :3. I know this is weird but..I think the way you made it round on the bottom for their butts looks cute XD *pokes them* The palm (?) trees also look very, very pretty =3 Although I find it weird that such little, pretty flowers can hold up so much weight o_o..ooh, one little question, is that Lenore rat or Lenore doggeh? I can't really tell..x.x;;
The whole scenery/background of this is gorgeous. It's amazing how you can have so much patience to shade all this..well, to even draw it, in the first place xox. That little gecko is hard to catch down there ;3 He kinda reminds me of a little dinosaour (however you spell that) down there..^-^. The only critique I can give you on the whole background is where the river Lolly said, it looks a little 3-D..I even say it looks like XD ;3. Anyway, the shading on this and everything is beautiful. I even say it looks kinda romantic ;P Lenore is very lucky to have a friend like you ^-^ I can't wait to see more of your drawings like this in the future *x*..
Mar 6, 2005 
Hehe, thanks for your comment, I'm glad you like it ^-^ I know what you mean with the pearly, but I actually didn't try to make them look all regular and in the same shape, to make it more look like self-made, you know? Who knows, maybe they were diving and juuuust were very lucky finding all these pearls *giggle* Oh, and the thing they're lying in is called a hammock, but don't worry, I wasn't sure myself, until everyone else said hammock to it, sooo now I'd know it ^-^ The character is meant to be Lenore doggy, don't you think so? In her rat form, the ears would be round, and not .. well, dog-like ;P Also, they're lying in there, so the round thing at the bottom would be their backs (if they were sitting, you'd also see her tail and feet, I'd say). Hehe, I actually shaded the river a little so it looked more realistic, buut you're right, one could say the shadow can be stronger at times. And thanks again for your compliments and critique .. aww, lucky? Actually, we should both consider us very lucky for having her as a friend, don't you think so? ^-^
Mar 9, 2005 
Wow, they had a LOT of luck if they found all those pearls x.x But yeah, I know what you mean ;3
I just wasn't sure if it was Lenore Doggeh, since one of her ears bend over ^^ Buutt I've also never seen a rat with pointy ears, so yeah..Oo Don't know what I was thinking x.x

Hee hee, I think the world is lucky to have a Lenore *giggle*
Mar 9, 2005 
Hehe, yup, that's true ^-^ That, or maybe it was the natives who found many many pearls over the years, welcoming them with a pretty necklace? Hehe, I'm sure you're much better thinking of a good story than I am ;P
Oh - that ^-^ One of Lenore's ears (the left one, if I recall right) is floppy, so I drew it that way ^^ Well noticed, in any case ;3

Yush yush, she's one-of-a-kind for sure ^-^
Feb 28, 2006 
Actions speak louder than words...or in this case, pictures! Simply by staring at this, I can tell this picture has a lot of meaning and love poured into it, you know what I mean? Yeah, you do. =P I mean, this is what the picture's all about. Really, one can't help but smile after looking at this. It truly shows the friendship you've formed with Kazzi ever since you first met her in...uh, well, you know when you first met.

The scene is really well thought out, first of all. The place is just perfect for this type of quiet, calming mood (like all those nice times you've mentioned. Sure that gave you some inspiration as well?). The beautiful sunset far out there adds to the realism of the scene, too, with all those nice silent waves. ^^ Its color variety adds some more decoration to the atmosphere.

I found it kind of neat how the, uh, bed thingy is supported by the flowers to the side. I don't know if flowers can grow from tree bark, or maybe it was placed there, but nevertheless, it makes a nice decoration, no? ;]

It's good that you didn't make the entire field covered by flowers, because then it would become obvious. They were all placed nicely in great locations, but the small quantity helped in maintaining the natural look of the setting. Unique grass shapes galore, and this one kind of reminds me of the way you draw your hair. ^-^

Aaand yes, this picture would not be complete without the main crew, right? You two look pretty comfortable there! ;) I don't know why, but I like how Kazzi's necklace was also given a glimpse. Oh, and the mouse below the tree definitely reminds us of you two. Great work.

If you don't mind my saying so, my only piece of advice is to add some sand at the land's edge. It IS a beach after all. ;P Or unless it was intentional.

I'm sorry if my comment sounds rushed, but it's currently raining outside (it hasn't rained in a while!), and it somehow is distracting me from my typing. ><
Mar 1, 2006 
Thank you for your nice words ^-^ I agree, having the beach visible would be a very good idea - when I drew the picture I thought about them being up really high on a large hill, looking over the entire jungle below them, with the ocean being pretty far away, so I didn't know how much the beach could be seen even, you know what I mean? I like your idea about drawing it though, it would look good and have a much smoother transition too, not to mention it's just add to the atmosphere - I'll definitely keep that in mind, thank you very much ^-^

(hehe, true, good catch ^^ Nooo idea why, whenever I draw something all fluffy, it just comes out like that - it's a shape easy to do, that just seems to come all naturally, you know what I mean? ^^ )

The flowers were stuck on the hammock as a decoration ^^ They're a little bright, but I felt the picture just needed something there - imagine it without them, it'd just look a little too bland towards the sides, no?

Oh, and you didn't sound rushed at all ^^ I find it actually a little curious that the rain distracts you somehow, I find the sound of the raindrops pattering on the ground verrry calming, and the air is usually really refreshing as well - I usually open the windows even just to hear the rain when it's raining, because it's aaall soothening to me ^-^

Anyhow, thanks for your critique, it's much appreciated for sure <3
Feb 21, 2007 
I gave this a favorite on deviant art; really like the description you had there. It's people like you that help me value the love of friendship more than I could ever imagine Toby and for that, I thank you :)

You're a good person and there are VERY few and far between that come off as nice and considerate as you.

As for the picture, it's nice, I love the techniques you use! The way the sun is reflecting off the water on the horizon looks great and I love the way it builds up to that. The picture is bright and full of positive energy and it just is really great to look at, it makes me feel happy lol. As always, keep up the good work even if this is a bit old :)
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