[Submitted Image]
Polar Night
  • Fan-Art for Phiyrr
  • Comments: 23
  • Views: 9,452
Polar Night
(by Tobias, Aug 4, 2005)
It's nothing big, I know, but something I wanted to do for a while ^-^ The picture itself is dark on purpose, but you should still be able to see the characters just fine (if you see only one character, you could try adjusting your screen ;P ).

Anyhow, those are Tobias and Phiyrr (if you can see only one of them, that's Phiyrr), as fox - I know, I know, her character is now a raccoon, but her fox character was juuust a bit more tangible and such (plus it fitted colour-wise), soooo .. here we go ^-^

Oh, and the drawing is wallpaper-sized and can be used as such ^-^
Aug 4, 2005 
Aww, wow...a truly awesome picture yet again from that talented little seal we all know and love. ;P

Gorgeous colouring again also...I must revert back to openCanvas sometime to try out all those funky techniques that I've surely forgotten, hahah. All in all, a beautiful artwork and a stunning desktop wallpaper. Many gold stars for you. :)
Aug 6, 2005 
Aww, no way you could have forgotten them - I mean, I don't even remember any funky technique, I usually just draw just like I feel .. usually listening to music and often thinking of many other things while I do the strokes ;3

Glad you like it, and thanks for your nice comment, it means a lot to me ^-^

Aug 4, 2005 
Awr, Toby , you really shouldn't have. I don't deserve it that much.

Phiyrr hugs. <333

It really is a lovely piece, the ice chunks of the Artic look as slippery as real, and the flakes of snow that reach the top of the picture look like stars in the lumisence of the full moon, don't they? :3

It's okay that you drew me as a fox and not a raccoon, I'm not that different, as I have almost the same fur color, as well as my accesories. ;D

Thankew so much! <33333

Phiyrr hugs again.
Aug 6, 2005 
Hiya Phiyrr ^-^

Hehe, of course you do serve it that much, you're a really nice person and everything, soooo why not, hmm? I mean, I grant you, it's probably a little cold where they are, but then again, you have a nice warm scarf, so you should be all set ^-^

And even should you catch a cold, you'd get plenty of tea and stuff from me, making you jump and dash around in perfect health again in no time at all X3 (plus you'd get to swim a lot too, no? ;3 )

Hehe, I know what you mean - parts of the snow was meant at stars, but then again, I didn't want to put too much on it, since I didn't want the picture to look too busy, you know? I meant it more to be dark, with only a little light, and that's about it ;P But you're right, of course - if you like, you can always try and add some more snow ^-^

Reaaally, they're the same colours? Hehe, foor some reason, I remember your raccoon form being a little more on the brown and less on the red side, buuut I could be mistaken too, of course (and that it'd have blonde hair, no? X3 ). Oh, and glad you like it, and thanks for you nice words as well, they're much appreciated <3

*hugs back*

Aug 7, 2005 
Aw. That's really sweet of you Toby. You're such a kind person as well. ^___^

Oh yes, I take scarfs everywhere though, they do come in handy, ecspecially if I ever go exploring in the Artic with my seal friend of mine.;D

Oh, I love tea of all sorts! It really brightens your day with just a cup and sandwiches, and I can tell the future with it, too. But swimming, I don't know, with that much snow, a snowball fight isn't worth missing. :3

But it still looks wonderful, at the least of what I can say. I think I would kinda ruin it if I tried to add a bit, so big no-no for me. XD

Well, maybe the new Phiyrr is more on the brown side, but that was lack of coloration, since I don't have any good paint program with me on vacation. And the blond hair is in anthro form, so that I won't forget if I ever try. ><

Awr. It was my pleasure, and I'll treasure this picture. <3

Phiyrr meeps.
Aug 7, 2005 
Even though it's a bit difficult to see without lighting it in OpenCanvas, it looks perfect this way. Characters are too often made obviously lighter or darker than they're usually supposed to in something other than daylight... but this is right on, Disney-movie lighting!

It's got a real magical look to it too... the simple moon actually looks beautiful as is, like a pearl or something... as nice as it is to have texture, it just sort of made this one 'easier on the eyes' as some say. :B And the light from it is so vivid... just lovely!

I would have said something about the ice/snow, but I'm guessing you wanted to do it in a more paint-like way... or at least something with style, not trying to be too realistic, using the media you have... they look as gorgeous as the moon though, each little piece. :B I thought at first that the sky was filled with stars... but now that I see they look the same as the snow on Tobias Phiyrr, I'm guessing it's snowing outside instead? That looks just as preety too, should have noticed them overlapping the see earlier!

The naturally-formed icicles, the calm see up North (I'm guessing, at least :P), and the mountains afar (Or perhaps a glacier!) all look spectacular... you always manage backgrounds well. X3

I need to work on my commenting, but you did a great, great job on this one! Sounds like they love it too! :3
Aug 8, 2005 
Hehe, dooon't worry about your commenting, you're doing fine as always, and it's also a virtue not having too long comments, something I'm lacking at times ;P I'd say, the length is just fine with this one, so you definitely don't have anything to worry about ^-^

Hmmm, I didn't want to draw the snow or the ice in any particular way, I only meant for the ice to be dark and almost glass-like at times, but apart from that, I'm always open to suggestions =3 Oh, and I know what you mean with the sky, part of it was meant as stars indeed, since that's what they started out as, and part of it was meant to be snow .. heh, I'll think of something to make it more appearant ^-^

Glad you like the drawing, and thank you a lot for your comment =3

Take care,
Aug 13, 2005 
wow Toby! You may think this is 'nothing' but certainly think it's something! I love how the mountain their on has cracks (I assume?) to make it looks like it's made out of I love how you draw cliffs! aww...look at the little whales!! I would think that the moon would have craters and stuff, to make it look more rocky. Nicely done, I love it! *heart*
Aug 13, 2005 
Aww, thank you, Lolly ^-^ Yup, they're supposed to be ice cracks (hopefully not too big, so Tobias would fall down, but than again, I'd say Phiyrr could still catch him just in time ;P ). I know what you mean with the moon, I never noticed it looked plain, but now that you say it, I see it juuust as well ;P I'm actually working on another picture with shows part of the moon too, so I'll try to add some detail there ;3 Hehe, you know, the whales probably shouldn't be there, in the antarctica, but it looked so plain and empty without them, soooo I put them in ;P
Glad to hear you like the drawing, and again, thanks for your nice words and critique ^-^
Aug 14, 2005 
Heh..I don't knoooow....Phiyrr maaaay look big..but her tail is half of her size, so she miiiiight not pull up Toby in time.... ;PPPPPPP

Well..sometimes realistic pictures coullllld have some mystic critters in them...;P like those whales...they're magical whales, MAGICAL I tell ya! So they can be there...because they're magical. :DDDDD But yes, the water would have looked...very plain without those it's good to have them there...and they might even catch Toby and Phiyrr in time when *cough* I mean IF they fall off the cliff. X3

I'm glad that moon critique helped! ^-^ And of course, you definatly deserve nice words. ;P *squish*
Aug 14, 2005 
Hehe, you're right - Tobias might be a tad heavy for her to lift .. buuuut who knows, maybe that's all it takes to save Tobias from the falling cliff .. besides - maybe she's magical too? ;3 And if all fails, they can still ask the two whales whether they can sit in their backs, well spotted ^-^

It did, all of your critique does, since you notice things I don't see at all - and you deserve just as nice words, that's for sure <3 *squishes back*
Aug 14, 2005 
OH! By the way, I LOVE the eyes and the idea WHY I didn't put those in my last comments. XD;;
Nov 25, 2005 
OpenCanvas can really pull off cool effects. ;P The fur in your drawings has been pretty gorgeous, if not realistic! Your backgrounds are no exception, because look at the pretty ocean! ^-^ I absolutely love the brightness on the water caused by the moon. Same applies to the other objects, like the reflections on the stalactites, the fishes' heads, and even the goggles on Phiyrr!

The ice especially looks attractive. It seems slippery too, so be careful not to push each other off! XD

Even the smallest details make staring at this picture more enjoyable; the snow on Phiyrr's scarf, for a good example, brings some marvelous results.

One thing I'd like to point out is that the mountains in the background could be a slightly different color, because the color is exactly the same as the ocean, so it was a bit hard to tell the difference at first. Is the sky filled with stars or snow? Because of the snow on you and Phiyrr, I assumed it was a very calm snow storm, but I could be wrong.

Very wonderful nighttime drawing, Tobias. :) I love the card that you sent.
Nov 26, 2005 
Thank you ^-^ Hehe, yush, we'll be extra careful not to push each other off (well, Tobias can swim anyhow, so he could just pick up Phiyrr and get out of the water again, buuut I guess it's better to avoid falling in first place, right? ^^; )
You're right about the mountains, they should probably be darker than the water, since they should reflect light differently, and they should have a different texture too ^^; Hehe, thanks for the critique - the white dots were first supposed to be stars, but then I figured snow would be pretty too, aaaand so I changed it into snowflakes ;P That's probably also why they look so alike ;3

Anyhow, thanks again for your nice words - and you're very welcome for the card and everything ^-^

Take care!
Mar 7, 2006 
I love this drawing, it is so cute. I also really love the snow that Phiyrr is holding up and the cute little fishies in the cold cold water. I love the really small details you put in all of you drawings.
Mar 7, 2006 
Aww, thankies <3 The little details are easy and fun to do if you have a little time to spare (I usually take my time with pictures, not finishing them at once ;3), you'd juuuust put your favourite music on and draw, that's all ^-^
Mar 18, 2006 
that sounds like a good idea, i never really did it when i'm drawing, only when i do my home fun.
Mar 18, 2006 
I dooo it at times - sometimes I prefer not having music, but sometimes I do ^-^ It makes repetitive details (like grass, or snow) a lot less tedious to draw ^-^
Apr 28, 2006 
Cool, nice to know.
Apr 30, 2006 
Yup yup ^-^ Hope it helps too :3
Apr 30, 2006 
:) *hugs a lot*
Oct 15, 2006 
wow this is simply amazing *falls to the floor* the coloures and piccy are so peacefull and just so nice *i lOVE it*
jordan lockwood
May 23, 2007 
love it
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