Heh, she looks very warm and happy there!! ^^ I could really go for some sunbathing right now, but it's gone all overcast again for the past few days... (darn indecive spring weather... It's actually really strange, because normally it's hot as an oven right now. o____o) I wish I could be my cat for a day, and just sleep by a window for hours on end... It'd be all nice and warm... :D I actually WANT summer to come for a change, because I'm tired of being cold. xD But I'm sure as soon as it does I'll be complaining about how baking hot it is. :P I've just had a good idea!! Whenever I go places now, I'm going to take that little Kazzi with me and photograph her there, then upload it to a scrapbook or something. :D (I'll of course make sure I credit that you actually made her ;P) It's such a cute little sculpture, I need to do something with it!! I don't want her sitting on my shelf collecting dust, Kazzi would much rather go travelling and have photos taken of her. ^^
Oh yes, I'm sure she enjoyed it, and got a nice tan too - I could almost swear, her fur was slightly more tanned after she had that sunbath ;3 And aww, you're so lucky for being in Australia and having your seasons upside down (from my point view, at least, for you it's probably me who has his seasons upside down X3 ) - now it's spring for you and soon summer, while here it's almost winter ;_; The cold season hasn't even started, and yet I wish for summer again. And I know what you mean, if it's too hot I'd complain too .. around 25 degrees is just perfect for me, I'd say ^-^ Aww, you're the sweetest <3 Still, that little Kazzi figure is quite a bit more delicate than you are, soo you might want to be careful - not that it breaks, you know ;3 (by the way, if it does, superglue works wonders on these little figures) I'm very sure though that she'll enjoy watching over you on her shelf just as much, braving any amount of dust she would encounter and hopefully scaring away any evil dreams - and maybe looking outside into the green garden from time to time ^-^ By the way, did you try doing something with the clay already? (I should probably have sent you more, but I couldn't really fit in too much more either ^^; )
You're getting muuuuch better with your scuptures every time! ^-^ I loove the wrinkles in the coat of hers, very detailed and realistic looking. Is her horn actually painted with GOLD paint? as in not yellow, but a shiny gold? or is the sun playing games on me? X3 Nicely done Toby, keep up the awsome work.
Hiya Lolly ^-^ Thanks for your nice comment - hehe, yup, the horn is actually painted with a bright gold paint, it looks more realistic in real life (obviously ;P ), soo .. the sun isn't playing games on you X3 Sylvana has a gold coloured collar too, by the way, but the gold I got here somehow is easier to paint with ^-^ Glad you like the clay figure, in any case - how about you try to make something out of clay, and see how it turns out, hmm? ;3
Hehehe, making a clay figure myself wouldn't be a bad idea at all! Although, two years ago I made a dragon type critter out of clay, but I never told anyone about it. ;P I should take pictures of it... what do you think? Clay is really fun to play with-no doubt, so I'll probably get to clay sculpting some time soon. You're very welcome with the comment. ^-^
That sounds nice ^-^ You could try doing another dragon type critter and see how your new one turns out too, aaaaand then post pictures of them both, what do you think? ;3
Yeah! Dragon critters are fun to make and make up, so I'll definatly make another one one day, although clay figures take me forever to do. ^^ Oh, and here's a few pictures of the drsagon critter I made- his eye looks bad, but I think the rest is pretty okay. http://img459.imageshack.us/img459/8796/clayfigure1ez.jpg
Looks pretty ^-^ What is it for, can you put pencils and such in it? It's really different to what I had in mind (a clay figure just to look at), buuut it's all nicely done nonetheless ^-^ (and same here, I usually spend quite some time on clay figures, especially with colouring it and everything *-* )
Heh, since I like to have little trinkets with me all the time (I like to collect old earrings I find on the raodside ...you know..little shiny things X3)so I decided if I'm going to make something out of clay, why not make it useful, and not just for decoration, thus he was born. ^-^ Yeah, he is different from what I had originally planned too, but he's very useful none the less. ;3 Thanks for the comment, I'm glad I'm not he only one that takes a long time with those things. X3