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Valentine Clay Figures
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Valentine Clay Figures
(by Tobias, Feb 24, 2006)
This is one of the three little clay figures (with a tiny seal holding a huuuge heart with flowers) that I made for St. Valentine's Day and posted to three of my friends ^-^ I didn't put the picture with description up earlier, because I wanted it to be a surprise for them, and the packages took a liiittle longer than I expected to get there too, in part - especially the one to Australia ^^; Tobias is wearing a little blue towel-hat thingy, whiiich is partly because it makes a nice contrast, but also since I like wearing a niiice warm hat with just the same colour X3 The clay figures are made with Model Magic and painted with Prismacolor markers and black ink ^^
Feb 25, 2006 
Aaaaand that little seal is sitting quite happily on my (slightly overcrouded) bookshelf, looking all cute and adorable. ^^ (Quite out of the reach of Tai as well, because I wouldn't put it past him to try and eat it - if he can eat incense crystals, he can eat Model Magic. xD) I love how it's so soft and fuzzy looking, and that Model Magic is hard to work with too, you did a really nice job!!
Feb 26, 2006 
Hehe, I'm sure he's just going to adore that sight from your bookshelf ;3 (Coincidentally, I just realized we both have each others clay figures on our bookshelves without knowing it - because that's where yours is as well right now, all safe and sound, enjoying its niiice view over my room ;3 ) What can I say? It definitely makes that bookshelf a lot more special, that's for sure ^-^
Oh, I bet Tai would just love to take a snack on your little clay figures, especially if it's something new he has never tried before - like Model Magic. He'd probably be most curious what it'd taste like, he's probably trying to get his teeth into *anything* new he hasn't seen before, let alone something soft and light as this kind of clay X3
And thank you for your nice words, I'm aaall glad you like it - even if it was a little late for Valentine's Day ^^
Mar 26, 2006 
Gosh, this actually made me giggle in my head~ It's so cute, and it actually looks fuzzy! Must have been a right sweet surprise for those who found a Toby-Heart in their mailbox! :P
This Model Magic stuff looks interesting. I think I might look into it a bit more :o
Mar 27, 2006 
Hehe, I don't really know whether we can actually get Model Magic in Austria at all, but if you see it, it'd be grand ^^ I know the UK has it, but I haven't been able to find it here so far. If you want though, I have a little bag left I could post to you, soo you could try it out ^-^

(oh, and glad to hear it made you giggle, bringing a smile to someone was aaaall those little figures were made for <3 )
Mar 26, 2006 
You did really great work with this, dude! :3 I can tell you put alot of time into making everything smooth.. |3 Pretteh~
Mar 27, 2006 
Thankies ^-^ Model Magic is pretty smooth to start with, though on the other side it also dries out rather fast, so it doesn't give you too much time for a lot of changes ^^;
Mar 27, 2006 
That is just too cute! It looks so soft and furry, almost like icing (apparently furry icing *giggle*)
You're really captured Toby too, and it's never easy to transfer a character from the page to a 3D model! Go You!
Mar 27, 2006 
Hehe, I've never thought of that the ice would be furry as well X3 Maaaaybe it's magical icing? ;3 It'd fit a cloud a lot more than snow, I agree ^-^
And thanks for your compliments ^^ I know I hard a looot of troubles when first starting out with clay, so I know what you mean ^^

(Though, with this kind of clay-style it's actually a little easier to make a character in 3d, because it's a little simpler on purpose, you know?)
Mar 27, 2006 
Awwwww!!!!!!! It's so cute! I luff it!!!! *huugles*
Mar 27, 2006 
D'Aww, thanks <3 Glad to hear you like it ^-^
Mar 27, 2006 
That's amazing! And very cute.
Mar 27, 2006 
Thank you <3
Shadou Kitsune
Mar 27, 2006 
Wow ^^ It does look fuzzy X3 (thanks to mozilla firefox's extension that lets me zoom onto select images =P )! I may have to look into doing clay figurines sometime, they look like they could be quite fun to make =D
It sure looks like alot of work was put into making those and must've been a wonderful gift to find in the mail ^^ Marvelously done Toby =3
Mar 27, 2006 
Ooh, well now I'm curious about what the third one looks like. :P These came out great though! The perfect light-weight gift for any friend! Personal, sweet, and verrry festive! (Or at least it has a bit of the major holidays for both December and February.)
There really is a difference in this kind of texture and material compared to the others too... I love how they both feel, the heavier, classic clay, and this new smooth, light, soft model! I still haven't gotten used to the difference between the two (always taking extra care with this little Tobias,) but it's nice that you're trying out new things all the same. You've really improved your sculpture work, this one definitely shows the change! :3
Mar 28, 2006 
Hehe, you already know how two of them look like, right? :3 I tried to make them all look similar, so the third one would probably look like something between the one you got and the one that's here ^-^ I'm glad you like it, in it's light-weight-ness aaaand I'm sure your mailman liked it too, because that way he didn't have to carry an all heavy package, right? We've got to think about the mailmen too, after all! You're right in any case, and come to think of it, the clay that little Nishi-figure is made of and this one here a really very different ones *-* I think model magic is a lot more fragile than the actual clay, since one could easily squish or break it, though the real clay is a lot more sensitive when it comes to falling down ^^; Though, you could just put them somewhere where they can watch over you (scaring away bad dreams, I hope ^^), theeen you'd not need to be afraid about breaking them ;P I have all mine that I made or got sitting on that bookshelf near my bed, where they can look aaall over the room, and get a nice view too ^-^
Mar 28, 2006 
The main difference was flower arangement and color, so maybe if it's inbetween mine and the other it's a purple flower just below the heart (Well, that might be too much in the center.. but I'm sure it's super neat, however exactly it is!)
And the mailmen never had to carry these ones for long (From a truck on the sidewalk to the mailbox a few steps away...) but that's still very kind, thinking of making those few steps they take a little lighter. What a giver! :3
And that's exactly where I have them too! Bookshelf beside the bed, a lovely little view where they're plenty safe too! Great minds think alike (Even if that's where everyone else might put them too!) ;P
Mar 28, 2006 
Hehe, prooobably not purple, because I didn't have any purple clay (though I could have blended it, but it'd probably have dried out ^^; ) - I can't even remember exactly what it looked like, I just know they were all pretty similar :3
Aww, lucky ;P Our mailman comes on a bike, so he'd have to carry the package aaaaall the way to my house ^^; Our little country is a taaad more old-fashioned when it comes to that ;3
Hehe, I guess so ;P At least I couldn't think of any other place I could do them, except my desk, but they might just fall down from there or such ^^; Mine's pretty small and hung up on the wall, so I don't even have any books on it anymore, just clay figures, sculptures and other little thingies I got and collected here and there :3
Mar 27, 2006 
aww soo very very cute! your friends are very lucky to get this. it reminds me of something that would be seen on top of a cake as decoration ... except that would be edible :P

nice work tobias
Mar 28, 2006 
Aww ^-^ Though, if you received such a little figure made of sugar and marzipan on your cake, as decoration - would you eat it? I'd probably keep it ^-^ Provided it doesn't go bad, of course, but I don't think marzipan and sugar do ^^

Thank you <3 (this time it worked, right? ^^)
Mar 29, 2006 
hehe no i don't think that i could eat it - i'd do the same as u and keep it. it's simply too cute to eat
Mar 27, 2006 
You wouldn't know it unless you hit on it in conversation, but clay is actually my favorite medium, and this is REALLY cute...

It's just too bad clay doesn't travel as well as pencil and paper... Don't even TRY sticking it in your pockets...
Apr 6, 2006 
I never realized you'd like to do clay figures as well, I always thought you'd like doing comics :3

And nope, it sure doesn't - it's a little awkward to travel around with and to post it to friends, buuut I package them very carefully and I've never had one breaking so far *knocks on wood* ^-^

(I wouldn't stick one in my pockets though, neither mine, nor those from anyone else, it'd feel humiliating for them ^^; I usually carry them around in little soft boxes, with cotton wool and bubble wrap, aaand at home I'd have them sitting on my bookshelf, next to my bed ^-^ )
Mar 28, 2006 
Yikes! That is just so damn cute and heartwarming ^^ You know, at first I thought it was one of those biscuit thingies you place on top of cakes XD Good thing it isn't, it'd have been a shame to eat it XD

For some really odd reason I like the heart the best, it's just so neat and round and... yeaaah no wonder the l'il sealy likes it ^_^ The flower looks nice, but it's kinda oddly placed.. like it's being crushed by love LOL XD Overall it's just faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic, though!
Mar 29, 2006 
Ah, so you colored the...what's it called..oh yeah, Model Magic with your prismacolors, so I'm assuming you got a packet of clay that's all white? Wow, that's some good coloring then; I thought all the clay you used to make it was its own color! ^^

And you're right, that thing is incredibly light! It almost weighs nothing when I hold it! O.O

(No big trucks for the mailman?? :o How much does he usually carry?)
Mar 29, 2006 
Oh yes, the clay actually is it's very own colour, just the spots on Toby's back are drawn on with Prismas, and his eyes and mouth are drawn with black ink ^-^ I tried colouring model magic in the US once, but it either came out pretty pale with Prismas, or felt all weird with acrylics, so the best way is just to get coloured clay and blend it together as you need it ^^

(No idea, buuut it can't be a whole lot, can it? He still visits around hundred houses or such on his bike, which takes him until 2pm (as you can see, I asked X3 ), and if I get any packages or such he'd have them with him too, he has a huuge bag on his bike he keeps everything in ^^)
Mar 30, 2006 
*looks at the back* Ohh, now I see what you mean! ^^; If you can remember, what package did you buy? Because there are a lot of MM variations.

(I wonder how many letters he can carry in one bag. I mean, over a hundred houses means a PRETTY big bag. ;P It's a good thing your town is not that populated because if you were in a city with 1 million+ people, then I can't imagine the horrors he must go through. O.O )
Apr 14, 2006 
Actually, the first package I got from someone in the United States that I knew, and it had yellow, blue, red, white and green in it. The one I used for this figure had three different earth tones - two of each colour, one being almost orange-brown, one being the colour Tobias is, and one being cream ^^ They were all pretty expensive, so I chose that package, because it had the most useful colours in it, the orange-brown I could use for experimenting, and the other two colours for modelling ^^

(I could ask him if you want ;3 He has a pretty big bag though that is mounted on his bike ^-^ )
Apr 2, 2006 
Aww. That's utterly adoarable! I'd have loved to get something like that!
Apr 3, 2006 
Meep, sorry I hadn't sent you one back then ^^; If you like though, I could make a little clay figure, just for you .. and post it your way?
Oh, and thankies for your nice words, by the way - glad you like that little figure ^-^
Apr 4, 2006 
Aww. You're adorable! :) I hope you like what I have made for you! It's not brilliant! I've noted you at DA. :D
Apr 5, 2006 
I'll go look at your note right away :3 And I'm sure what whatever you did, it'll look grand ^-^
By the way - would you like me to get one of these clay figures posted to you? ^^
Apr 7, 2006 
Aww. That would be lovely if it's not too much trouble?
Apr 8, 2006 
Oh, it's no trouble at all ^-^ I just need to think about something to make, and when I do, I'll make sure I make one for you as well ^-^
Apr 8, 2006 
*Hugs You.* Yay!
Apr 3, 2006 
Aww, is it ever adorable! Very nice idea for a figure. The shapes are so smooth. The expression is so cute, and that little rose is really pretty. Well done! =D
Apr 14, 2006 
Hehe, thanks ^-^ The figures actually feel a little fuzzy if you touch them, it's so much different from ordinary clay *-*
Zeta Neubourn
Apr 18, 2006 
Hehehehe, that's adorable. Really, really, adorable! I like his hat-thingy. Certianly a great gift for anyone.
Apr 29, 2006 
Thankies ^-^ That hat thingy was actually the most weird thing about the whole figure, since I didn't want to make it look too stiff or anything, so I just ended up making it look more like a towel ;3
Zeta Neubourn
Apr 30, 2006 
Weird? I think it made it look great. Either way, very nice job. :)
Jul 20, 2006 
Hehe, thank you ^-^
Zeta Neubourn
Jul 21, 2006 
You're welcome. ^_^
Jul 21, 2006 
(Oh, and sorry for my long delay too, I was going through my messages and yours was quite at the bottom, so it took me a while to get back to it ^^; )
Zeta Neubourn
Jul 24, 2006 
(Heh heh, that's a-okay. ^ ^ )
Apr 18, 2006 
too cute! I guess we'll just have to send you some more clay!
Apr 29, 2006 
Hehe, yay, you could ;P I still have a few more bags now which I got a couple of weeks bag, but I don't dare using them because then I'd have none left ;_;

I wonder why Austria doesn't have Model Magic - I mean, even the UK has it and they're in Europe ;P
Apr 28, 2006 
This is a really cute sculpter!
Apr 30, 2006 
Thank you ^-^
Apr 30, 2006 
Mar 2, 2007 
i think this is really cute
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