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Picnic Time
  • Fan-Art for SplashTheFox
  • View on DeviantArt
  • Comments: 9
  • Views: 6,775
Picnic Time
(by Tobias, Dec 7, 2003)
Tobias and Splash sitting somewhere out in the green having a picnic (even though it's kinda cold here and sitting in the grass dressed like that one will most likely catch a flu or such).

Splash is © splashthefox, drawn in her old style ^.^
-rosie- (from DA)
Dec 12, 2003 
Aww, this is SO cute! I was wondering what do you use to colour your piccies?
Dec 14, 2003 
hehe .. i really need to put a homepage-field on comments too .. even though i think i remember you .. .. right? wow, nice to hear from you again, where have you been? how are you doing?

what i use for colouring? uuh .. an old version of photopaint, since that's the only program i got (it came with my printer *patpats printer* ), that's pretty much it .. oh well, it can do masks and colouring, that's pretty much all one needs ^.^

take cake *smiles*
-rosie- (from DA)
Dec 14, 2003 
I haven't been on the DA for a while because we were only borrowing the scanner for a bit, so i can't wait till Christmas, because I'm most likely getting one ;)
I also might get a painting program called Paint Shop Pro 7 or 8.. Well it was nice talking to you again... Bubyes.. :)
Dec 14, 2003 
hehe, lucky you ^.^ it's only a couple of days until christmas anyway, you know? *smiles and hums christmas songs*

Paintshop Pro is good .. at least I heard only positive things about it ^.^
-rosie- (from DA)
Dec 15, 2003 
Well 11 days to be I mean.. And me and my mom went to see how much Paintshop Pro 8 was and it's $145+! ^_^
Dec 15, 2003 
wow .. that's a lot, especially since if you look at their website, it's only $79, plus if you already have a competive product (such as photoshop, photosuit, pictureit, photoimpact) you even get a $30 discount too.

ps.: you don't have to post here, you can send me deviantNotes too, you know ^.^
-rosie- (from DA)
Dec 19, 2003 
Yah, I know I don't have to post here but it's easier.... Any who my mom found something cheaper, it's called something like Pixel 2.0 or something like that! ;)


7 more days till Christmas!
Dec 19, 2003 
if you want a really cheap program, you can try gimp (the download site is here, screenshots are there) .. it can do a lot that photoshop can do too, plus it's free ^.^
the drawback is that you have to get used to it, it has a lot of functionality and thus is not easy to handle in the beginning.

five days until christmas here .. wohooo! ^.^ and we even have a bit snow as well (even though it pretty hot for winter right now, so it will probably melt again).
Sep 16, 2006 
Kitsune-sama: Aww! This is cute! I love it!

Akiko: I'm a fox! ;p

Kitsune-sama: ^^; hehe
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