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Plushie ^-^
  • Comments: 43
  • Views: 12,374
Plushie ^-^
(by Tobias, May 31, 2006)
Juuuust a little plushie character, that's all ^-^ It's been around for soo long, going through good times as well as tough ones, has been patched up so often and stitched together again - but somehow it always manages to keep on going and enjoying its time ^^

The style of the drawing itself is actually influenced by Sylvana (whose birthday is in these days too, by the way, along with Lolly's ^-^ ), which is slightly simplified (not drawing out details such as toes or fingers) but nonetheless cute and nice to look at, sooo I tried to imitate it a little here ^-^

The negative space is actually on purpose, since I printed it on a white mug to send to a friend of mine (*pokes Bungie95*), and while I can't really give out a whole lot, if you want to have one as well, be sure to drop me a note :3

Suggestions and comments are very welcome ^-^
May 31, 2006 
If I could I would fill this whole box with 'aww's as it's lovely! I love the strands that are coming out of him, reminds me of my old favourite toys!

Aww. Even the sun has a patch. :D
Jun 2, 2006 
Thank you ^-^ And aww, your favourite toys have that many patches too, being all worn out and everything? ;_; I know I get all attached to mine, I wouldn't dare throwing them away, especially with all the memories associated with them ^^;

Yup yup ^-^ With big pink hearts too *smiles and giggles* By the way, if you want one of these mugs, just drop me a note, okay? ^-^

Jun 6, 2006 
My favourite toys have legs sewn back on, ears replaced, missing stuff and all sorts! But they're still special and they will live in my bedroom forever. :D
Jun 6, 2006 
Same here, it'd feel really cruel and disheartening to throw them away, so they'll stay in my room as long as I can possibly keep them there as well ^-^
May 31, 2006 
That's so adorable it's not even funny!I love how everything has a plushie theme to it, even the expression box1 *giggle* The cotton stuffing slightly overlapping the seams is a very nice detail, giving it a nice, cuddly edge, and the shading is niiiice and smoothe. (especially around the chest!)

The little hanging, curly threads are also another nice detail to the picture, making it cute and gentle looking, wanting to give you a hug. The movement is visible here, as you can tell the cute critter is walking, and well, you did an awsome job on this. It's cool how there is negative space for a cute mug design. I'd love to wake up with him on mine! X3 As soon as I get my box, I'll be sure to note you if you're still up with sending these out. ^^
Jun 1, 2006 
Awr, thankies Lolly ^-^ The shading was actually something I was experimenting on, sooo I'm glad you like it ^-^ Aaand no worries, that's aaaall fine with me, I'd love to send you one of those! I'll just make one them our special Lolly-mug and put it aside for you then, okay? ^-^ <3

Take care,
Jun 16, 2006 
Awww, you would seriously consider making a specail Lolly one? SQUEE! X3 *dances with glee* I'll have to make you something special in return. ;P

The shading really suites the cute style well, I'd say it was a very successful experiment1 ;P
Jun 1, 2006 
Eeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I love it!!!! *huggles* It's so cute and cuddly!

I love all the curly threads coming off, and the different patterns on the patches. Especially the one on the sun.

The shading is great and I think the white space just makes it look simpler, like it actually is a cute childs toy. That and the fact that there's a smilie sun. =D
Jun 1, 2006 
Aww, thank you ^-^ Hehe, yush, I know what you mean, actually that was one of the reasons I didn't want to go too crazy with backgrounds and everything, but rather just have a little picture to focus on and that's it :3 Glad you like it, and thank you for your comment! <3
Jun 6, 2006 
Awww so sweet! I love the loose threads you've included, the bits of fluff hanging off where it's been worn down. Poor little guy all patched up *hugs him*
Jun 6, 2006 
Join! We would love to meet more plushie fans!
Jun 6, 2006 
Hehe, thanks for the offer, buuuut I'm not really a club person ;P But good luck with your club - put some activities there, together with tutorials and such, to get people interested ^-^
Jun 6, 2006 
This is rather cute. Your cheerful colour schemes work well together and suit the mood portrayed by the artwork. Well done.
Jun 11, 2006 
Thank you very much <3
Jun 6, 2006 
Basically, I can see patches everywhere - I find this cute and pleasing too, the plushie, the sun, and even the little heart all had being "patched".

And nice gloves for the plushie too ^_^
Jun 15, 2006 
Hehe, yup yup, he's been through a lot, you know? And besides, it's the plushie world ;3

(oh, gloves? Aaactually I didn't think they were gloves, that's what this plushie looks like ;3 )

Thanks for the comment ^-^
Jun 7, 2006 
Awwww, this is so cute!! The poor little plushie looks like it's falling apart though... -grabs a sewing needle and stitches him up- There we go. :D

I love all the little details you've put in, like the stuffing coming out of the patches of the plushie-fox, and all the little stray bits of fur. :3 The way that everything in this is a plushie is adorable too - even the sun and the little heart look huggable. n______n Not using fingers and toes was a good idea, my favourite plushies are the really simple ones without details, that you can just squish. :P It makes it look really simple and charming, even with all the smaller details in there too.

Hehe, 'less is more', and the minimalists would say - I really like the negative space in this, it adds to the simple sweetness of the picture. 'Tis adorable work, I love it!! n_____n
Jun 7, 2006 
Aii, thankies Kazzi ^-^ I'm sure he appreciates it a lot, being stitched together a little more again ^-^ Just wait, you'll spoil that plushie as much as your cat, and it's going to get all attached and clingy :D

Oh yes, and same here ^-^ They don't have a whole lot of details, like fingers or toes, but they still look adorable and are reeeeally soft and squishable :3 Glad you like the picture, and thank you for your sweet comment too ^-^
Jun 7, 2006 
Excellent detailing! I love the use of color. The whole image is very warm and friendly overall. :)
Jun 15, 2006 
Thank you ^-^
Martin Gray
Jun 7, 2006 
Aw, I love the patched up sun. Also the one trail that looks like a loose string. This pic just makes me want to hug my old teddybear...

... But then, he's just a few popped stitches away from falling apart...
Jun 7, 2006 
How adorable! I love the style of shading you used here, makes the little plushie look really textured, like fabric. The patches are a really neat addition, too! :D You really have the 'no-line painting' technique down very well, especially with the shading not clashing anywhere. The surfaces all look like they belong to each other.

This makes a lovely mug, by the way :P A very cheerful morning awaits anyone who drinks from it, no doubt! Nice work!
Jun 9, 2006 
Aww, thankies ^-^ I actually think that no-line painting technique would fit yourself really well too - no idea why, your drawings look very painting like as well, a line might just take away from it, you know? ^^

I'm glad you like it, in any case, aaaand if you want to have a mug as well, juuuust let me know - I'd love it if it made your mornings more cheerful and everything, in any case ^-^
Shadou Kitsune
Jun 8, 2006 
aww, that's really detailed (you can see practically every little stitch on the character). Very nice coloring on both shadowing and lighting.

...dang, that's all I got in my head right now for a comment, sorry ^^;;
Jun 11, 2006 
Awr! I really love the way that everything is plushified, but still everything is quite happy. It's a great present to send to a friend. ;D

It looks like the plushie ate too much stuffing, and 'tis overflowing. Look, look! xD
Jun 11, 2006 
Oh yes, it's aaaaall plushified, siiince it's in the world of plushies, no? Sooo they have a plushie sun, a plushie toothbrush and a plushie bed with a plushie blanket ;3

(Hehe, naaaww, it's not a fat plushie, is it? ;3 It's just gotten a bit old, it'd need someone to sew it all together again, and not just adding another patch ^^)
Jun 18, 2006 
How would the plushie toothbrush work? Because then, there would be plushie toothpaste, and it wouldn't be able to spread. :|

{No, actually, not really, it's not fat. Awr, that would be sweet. <3}
Jun 18, 2006 
Oh, I think they'd just scrub their teeth with it and that's it ;3 The plushie-toothpaste would be a special kind of fabric that keeps their teeth aaaall nice and pretty ^-^

(That's an adorable idea you have though, with those plushie-toothpastes and plushie-toothbrushes ^-^ )

(Oh, it would ^-^ Now it just needs to cross paths with someone who can sew ;3 )
Jul 12, 2006 
Ohh. All cotton, perchance? And maybe thier teeth would be made from imported Chinese silk to add in glow? xD


Maybe it could even find another plushie with a giant needle and some thread and ask it for some help? :3
Jul 12, 2006 
Oooh yes, that would work ^-^ Pure cotton toothpaste, to give those Chinese silk teeth back their shiny-ness ;3 And their bed would be made of extra-soft cuddly fabric ^-^

Hehe, it could do that ^-^ Oooor what about you? You could patch it up ^-^
Jul 14, 2006 
Maybe they would even have plushie pets and all. And spaghetti would be made from wool and all, though I have no idea what the sauce would be like. :B

I could, but I wouldn't be that good. The plushie would probably turn into a pillow by the time I was done with him. xD
Jun 20, 2006 
Nice work on the coloring, I love the painted look
Jun 23, 2006 
This is very cute! I'm sorry that I haven't commented befor, but I didn't have time and with me being in spain gives me a lot of time now. Well here is my oppinion, it is very cute, it is really cute that even the sun has a patch, too. The suffy looks like my dog played with it and someone fixed it up after, really cute, I kinda like the lil string hanging from one of its feet. I don't think you need to put toes and fingers and all that types of details for some stuffys don't have them, and also it looks a lot cuter, too! Well in other words, I really really really like it and tis very cute!
Jul 18, 2006 
Hehe, nooo worries, I usually tend to take a little longer with replying and commenting as well, sooo I know how that is ^-^ Are you in Spain still? That means you'd be reeeeally close to our place, we're just two countries further right ;3 Hope you're enjoying the sunny weather I'm sure you have over there right now ^-^

Oh, and thanks for your detailed comments, I appreciate them a lot :3 I might be taking a little to get back to them all, siiiince I have quiite a bit that I want to get done, but I'll get there, don't worry <3

Jun 28, 2006 
very nice tobias!! i absolutely adore the colours you've used and i can't stop smiling everytime i look at it. it's such a cheery picture and the sun is absolutely gorgeous!!

gotta love those lil toys that have always been there, even when they do end up a lil tatty, they always hold a special place in your heart. i know mine do, hehe and even at 18 i still have a whole bunch occupying my bedroom *giggles*
Oct 2, 2006 
Myaaaw, I love this little art a lot (if we could call it "little art"), because it's so simple, cute, colored and lovely ^-^ The cloth patchworks on the chars is a nice idea, and I especially like the effects of fur and volumes on the plushie character. And a special appreciation for the sun's expression, that's just simple and lovely too.

I have unfortunately no special suggestion to add, as i also like the white background, it's interesting and different than your other arts.
Oct 6, 2006 
It's funny, I'm beginning to think that every time I look at your art, I'm constantly reminded of how your art reflects your attitude so much. It's like you never had a bad day in your life. Have you ever had thoughts of making art that isn't all happy and cheerful before depending on how you are feeling on that particular day?

On the contrary, just looking at your art has never ceased to bring a smile to my face because it gives me how in our world; that there are still people who live enjoyable and happy lives out there. It seems everywhere I look there is depression and sin and what not.
Dec 18, 2006 
plushie is so curt tome i love her.
Dec 18, 2006 
Aww, thankies <3
Nov 22, 2008 
I have always wonderd were these pictures came from. Soo cute! <3
Dec 18, 2008 
*hugs* Thank you ^-^

I still have the pencil drawing of this one, if you'd like to print and mess around with it: [Link]

All the best <3
Jan 2, 2011 
awwww it's awesome and cute! ^-^ if any of my old toys are still aroud, i bet they'll look like that!!! :3
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