[Submitted Image]
Fear Us!
  • Fan-Art for Josie
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  • Comments: 22
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Fear Us!
(by Tobias, Feb 13, 2004)
George and Tobias in their duty to save lollipop kingdom with the ever sleepy and procrastinating gecko-queen koshi from the ghastly king of evil evil strawberry-yoghurt country - yeees, you heard us, be afraid, you don't stand a chance against us! *coughs*

.. actually they would stand even less chance if one of them would wear both, armor and sword (preferably George, Tobias would have a hard time with the sword) .. buuut come wind come weather, they'll do it, somehow =n.n=

george is © Koshi
drawn on computer, with brush .. err eraser thingy .. perspective on flag is on purpose, i guess .. eeeh .. enough excuses, but it looked so empty without it n.n;;
Mar 23, 2004 
Aiee! My trusty knights in armour! (erm...kinda...X3) Whenever I see this picture, I always think of childhood memories, when you used to pretend play and stuff, you know? I think this would be a typical George dream, of him storming castles and such...whilst accompanied by his dear friend Tobias too. n_n Hehe, you can imagine that in reality the castle could be, in fact, a bed, or the stairs, or something to that extent that is climbable, anyways...and the moat, well, I'm sure George would find it perfectly fine to make a moat aorund my bed (much to my horror, I should think! O_o* *giggles*) but hey, anything is possible when you're a kid, right? <=]

What I couldn't quite understand, was that on DA a few people were claiming that the flagpole was wonky, and that it got narrower to the top...erm, was I the only one that thought it was supposed to be that way? n_n* Now, correct me if I'm wrong (which is highly likely, I can say now....n_n*) but I looked at the picture and immediatly thought that you were trying to create a sense of perspective. Ah well, ho hum, eh? Its a beautiful picture nonetheless, and I'm sure a minor thing like that has absolutely no affect to the rest of picture...=] I mean, all the detail is enough to make you drool at a pic like this! n__n But then of course, all your pictures are so intricately detailed, I find it hard to pick any flaws they have, if at all. <=] *holds up a five-star flag* n____n
Oh, and I feel so honoured that you have this as your featured deviation...I mean, the picture itself is already enough to make me weep happily, but to be featured as well!?! *faints* ^o^
And I'm sure George is over the moon about it too. =]
Mar 23, 2004 
hehe, yes, I can imagine, he would love playing knights and such all day long, as long as you give him plenty of marshmallows and such .. especially those high beds with ladder and stuff would make excellent castles one could storm with chairs as ladders and brooms as swords =)
but yup, that was pretty much what I was thinking of, also when writing the drawing's description *giggles*

eeeh, I guess what they meant on deviantArt was the lower line of the flag pole, behind Tobias' head, got quite a bit thinner (just take a ruler and try it, it shouldn't get that much thinner behind his head), and they're perfectly right with that. it's nothing serious, but it shows me that some people do indeed take a closer look at my drawings =)

and yush, glad you like it, in any case .. but in fact, the same goes for your drawing just as well: it's very cheerful and pleasant to look at, so .. thank you a lot for it *hugs and smiles*
Mar 24, 2004 
Yup yup, George would be very much content with climbing beds, with a collander on his head, holding a broom, and all whilst eating a big bag of marshmallows. n_n You can't save the day on an empty stomach now, can you? n_n* And of course, marshmallows are the food of kings! Or...something like that...X3

Hmm...I still don't think its much of a mistake, but that just might be me being unobservant for the sake of it...n_n*

I really need to do a new piccie, one including you and George, and make it even prettier than the last one...I didn't think my pic to you was that good, I'm sure I could've done alot better if I really tried, and perhaps I can do that now. n_n I feel as if my art has slightly (if at all) improved since then, and I feel alot more confident drawing than I did a few months back. But then I really...wish I had a better paint program than PSP7, its getting on my nerves now. I find that I can't softly colour my drawings with it as easily as, say, OpenCanvas does. And then OpenCanvas has hardly any tools....n_n* So I'm in a bit of a rut. Except for pencil drawing, I suppose I can do that...but then again, I always mess up on paper. I start either way too big, or in the wrong places...*sigh* I'm the sort of person who likes to get things right first time round. <=] *coughcough* ANYWAYS...*giggles* Enough of the awful excuses, what was I trying to say? Oh yes, its time I drew you another picture of George and Tobias. Seeing as I'm also alot more confident with backgrounds now as well, I can be a bit more productive than just single characters on a simple scribble. =]

Ahh, thank you for the inspiration Tobias! *hugs* Theres nothing like looking at one of your works and feeling the need to draw again. n_n
Mar 24, 2004 
that's what even the celts knew .. no fight with empty stomach, so why should george fight blankets and pillows without his trusted marshmallows? *giggles*

hehe, of course, it's no serious mistake at all, but nonetheless, it's something I just didn't think of .. the background I just drew very roughly on the paper, adding pretty much anything after scanning it, so things like that can happen kind of easily to me.

I know, openCanvas doesn't have a lot of tools, but be honest - what tools would you really need when drawing a picture? you have a pencil and colours, you have an eraser (which would last a lot longer than the one on our pencils, by the way *giggles*), there wasn't really a lot more I would need .. the text adding I do in another application, but that's not until the very very end of a drawing =)

try it .. the last couple of drawings I did were done completely in oC, and to be honest, it was a lot of fun creating them =)
I usually scan my picture, insert another layer (where I put the colours on), the scanned layer I put on the very top and set it to "Multiply", so you can draw on the colour layer without affecting the lines .. that's pretty much all there is to it .. eeeep .. six minutes already *dashes to the kitchen to finish the pudding* =n.n=
Mar 24, 2004 
Hehe, yes, maybe George is a decendant of a Celtic dragon? *ponders* Could be...=]

I usually make tons of mistakes when I ink my drawings, mostly because I sketch so many lines in one place, I end up all confused. n_n* But hey ho, I just turn it into something else, and hope no one notices...hehe...X3

*opens mouth to say something, but doesn't* Hmm....but I...and then...eee, you're right. I guess I DON'T need hardly any tools at all, apart from a colour palette and rubber (true...true. *giggles* =]) but I'm quite bad at mixing colours and such, usually ending up shading all wrong. n_n* Eh well, I guess I can at least try, right? I shall dedicate my next picture entirely to OC...then pehaps I might find out some unique colouring tips or something whilst scribbling my random clutter of a pic together. n__n
Erk, I really need to put copyrights onto my work too....@_@ I always forget to do that, and even then I never know where to put it without completely obliterating my picture (I really despise putting text onto art...but I suppose its become custom now with the internet and so many people able to just click and take your stuff, huh? <=]) At least with your art its pretty much plain to see, without having much affect to the picture too. *envies Tobias from a tree* X3

Okey dokers, I shall give that a go next time I actually finish a draft...*falls over* Its been mostly unfinished pencil sketched of mine for a while now, I'm getting real lazy again. *yawnyawn* Its all this homework, I tells you...I wish I could just push my mathsbook off the table and it would be all gone like you can! *giggles*

*gasps* you have pudding and you didn't tell me??? *teary eyes*
George: You have pudding and you didn't tell ME?!?! *shock*
*George and Koshi both bolt towards Tobais' pudding* Food! X]
Mar 24, 2004 
who knows? he could as well be a relative to that loch ness dragon, perhaps nessy was in fact eating roasted marshmallows all day long =)

that's like you do with tables, right? a table here, a table there .. until it looks really good =P really, what other tools would you need? I could only think of the fill bucket, but if you set your brush size to 50 you have pretty much the same effect (and you can always erase the colour later) =) and nope, your colouring is very vivid and nice looking to me, no worries .. the copyright .. well, I just put it next to the title, below the picture, that's pretty much it .. of course I wouldn't do it for doodles, but on pictures with background and such I think it doesn't look bad having a title and the copyright there XD

eeek .. I have to do my maths homework too, despite of what I've written in the journal .. I'm not spared of these horrors either -.-;;

hehe, but I did tell you I was making pudding right now, ne? still needs to cool off though, at the moment it's still kind of hot =)
Mar 25, 2004 
Gyee! I love Nessie. n_n Its a pity I never remember going to Loch Ness...aparantly our house was only 30 miles away from it! n_n* Hehe...I believe in Nessie. I wonder if little Tobias would be able to find her in that big ol' lake? =3

Lol! Yes, indeed...table here, table there...heck, lets make it all out of tables! *clicky keyboard sounds as she types code* Bwahaha! =B Hehe, aww, but rubbing out the colour afterwards is such a chore...*sighs* Ah well, guess I can spare a few minutes doing so...*rolls eyes* X3
*tries to think of a way of having her copyright clear and without using Tobias' method* Hmm....mmm...I shall have to think of that one for a while. n_n

*gazes at her schoolbooks on the floor* Oh, NOW you tell me it doesn't work...X3

You actually make pudding too?! *swoons* Alright, me and George are living with you from now on. XD *sets up a little camp outside Tobias' house* Now all you need to do is put the pudding on the doorstep, and nobody will get hurt...=9 *giggles* I'm not saying I'll hurt you, but George...well, hes a ravenous little beastie. Food + George = Look for cover! <=]
Mar 26, 2004 
Aiiie, I wrote a really long response, only to find out your site went down half-way through sending it, so it got lost. @_-* *tries to remember what she wrote* n_n

Ahh, Nessie, right...hehe, methinks Tobias, George and Koshi should start a Nessie Exploration Party and go in search of her. n_n I remember seeing a documentary a while back saying that there may indeed be more than one Plesiosaur lurking down there....=] That would be so cool! n___n I'd love to meet one, in any case. <=]
An anglerfish from a certain fishy movie, perhaps? *giggles* n_n

Aww, but I feel as if I'm copying you that way....and I'm sure other people would think that too, and I wouldn't like that. n_n* Ehh...I'll think of some way, sometime...<=]

Harhar, maybe we just need to concentrate a little more? n_n* *stares at her books with a puzzled look on her face* Eh....its not working....T___T idea of making pudding is looking in the cupboards or the freezer. X3 Actually, thats my method for any type of eating! n__n* I'm sure I'd poison someone if I even attempted to make pudding...XD may find two variations af an incredibly simple button here;
And here;
(one ish animated...n-n) So, two for the price of one. I'm good! XD Hope they're alright. <=] And there was you thinking I'd never do them....=P

Mar 26, 2004 
eeh, yup, as far as I know they changed something with the Internet in Germany, so a lot of sites weren't reachable for an hour or such n.n by the way, if you ever write a long reply again, and it doesn't work, you can either hit the back button, or simply wait an hour (leaving the error message there) and then hit F5 to resubmit .. I often did that when deviantArt went into maintenance mode ^.^

yush, that would be really cool finding Nessie there .. eeh, if we found her, what would we do? bribe her with marshmallows? make a photo with Tobias, George, Koshi and her posing? *giggles* eeeh, that anglerfish was scary .. but the whole scene was hilarious .. "good feeling's gone" .. I guess this has to be one of my favourite movie quotes ^.^

meeeh, don't worry about copying me .. I doubt anyone would notice it, besides, many people do it either in a frame or in a transparent way into the picture .. you could also do a Koshi-logo, and place it there (making it look all glass like), sure would give your drawings an unique touch. =3

making pudding isn't that tough .. plus it's not like you wouldn't get a reward for the tiresome work .. chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding, pistachio pudding, kiwi pudding .. weee *dances*

thank you .. I like the not-animated version better, since I want to keep my site free from animated stuff as much as possible .. it look adorable though, George all friendly and cute .. that will make a really cute icon, don't worry =´n.n`=
Mar 26, 2004 
Ack, thats a bit annoying...but yeah, I tried back button-ing, but it didn't work...still a page not found thingy. T_T But hey ho, my post was long and boring, so it doesn't matter now. X3

Hehe, we should all go for a ride on her methinks! n_n That would be fun...I mean, its not everyday you came across an elusive sea-creature, do you? =] Plus, I bet she could swim pretty fast...n_n

Hahah, I liked it when she found her little squishy, whom she called Squish...XD But my favourite part was when the turtles all went through the Current...that was so cool! n___n

I think I'll put a little copyright/credit sentance in the frame somewhere...thats probably the safest and nicest way to put it, I guess. <=]
Koshi-logo? Hmmm...I could do that...n_n

George: Marshmallow pudding? <=9
Heh, but looking through cupboards is a tiresome feat in its own right...XD

Yay, glad you like it. n_n And speaking of links, that reminds me of my site..I still have a bit of coding to do, but apart from that, its as good as done. =] I must find a suitable host in the holidays (one school week away, yay! *swings Tobias around* =3) and then get to work on some drawings to pad it out! =]
Mar 26, 2004 
hehe, yup, it was down for an hour or such, at least that's what they wrote .. so you'd have to go back after that hour or something like that n.n

eeeh, that would be fun .. and knowing our luck, just at the moment a research team would stop by, take a photo of a seal, a dragon and a gecko sitting on Nessie, and we'd get into all newspapers and TV (remember to smile and wave when they take the photo *giggles* )

the whole movie was a blast .. the current was really cool, but there was a lot of amazing stuff .. meh, I really need to watch it again =3

Marshmallow pudding? eeeh, can you even get something like that? it has to look delicious .. a chocolate pudding with marshmallows on it .. or maybe marshmallows with chocolate pudding on it .. either way would be great ^.^

I'm looking forward to the holidays too .. even though I don't even know when exactly they start, but I guess I'll know, when I stand there, at school, and all the doors are closed and locked *dreams*

Mar 26, 2004 
Hehe! Then they could add us to their already popular research paper with pics including certain seals posing on icebergs, with a very embarrassed sledge...*giggles* n_n

Aww, I wanna watch it again too, but my sister rented it, so I don't actually have a copy...T_T All I do have on DVD are my japanese anime, and they don't show in colour on my TV, I need some type of I have to watch it downstairs, and thats embarrassing. *blushes* My family think I'm weird because I like shows about magic girls collecting cards, and spinning tops. XD

Ooo, but you can get those ickle dinky mini marshmallows that you can put on cakes and in hot chocolate....n__n They're cute and deliciousful! X3

Woo hoo, no school for two weeks! ^o^ I can't wait. =3 Then I can do webbie, piccies, and lotsa other eat chocolate eggs...=9

*sniffsniff* You're PROUDLY affiliated with me?? *gets all tearful* I'm ok, theres just totally something in my eye...XD You don't know how happy I am to be your first affiliate! n_____n *bounds around the room and hugs Tobias in a deathsqueeze*
Nyeeee! Now I can't wait till my site goes up! n_n

Mar 26, 2004 
eeeh, you know, I think you're still the only one who actually noticed that the his seal friend and the sledge are embarrassed *giggles as well*
just imagine you were on a research team and seals would start doing handstands on an iceberg and race down with a sledge n.n

japanese anime in black and white? where's the fun? pff, there are so many movies I could watch .. like matrix, finding nemo, or maybe just lion king .. sixth sense and fifth element would be cool too, yush, I guess I could spend the whole day watching DVDs =p

we barely have marshmallows in our shops .. it's just no popular food for people here, I guess .. but I'll try to get my hands on them some time X3

of course I'm proudly affiliated with you .. what did you think? besides, that's what this grey block was there, all the time, to hang up a poster with pictures for Koshi and whoever might come as well *giggles and hugs back*
Mar 27, 2004 
Aww, I'm sure other people have noticed as well. =3 Hehe, if I was to see seals doing handstands on icebergs and such, I'd probably run over and join in with them! n_n

Black and white anime is hardly fun at all, not to mention a strain on your eyes...@_@ Plus, half the fun is all the pretty colours packed into a cute cartoon, so its a bit of a downer. *pouts*
Eee, I wish I had a whole bunch of DVDs like that...the only non-japanese anime movies I have that work in colour are Akira, Metropolis, and Pefect Blue....not much of a fruitful collection...n_n* (I'm really not much of a movie-goer) <=]

Aww, you poor soul! *squidges Tobias* You must go on a search for some! n_n

Proudly affiliated with my teeny blog? n_n* Well...I suppose, like I said, my site should be up soon, so hopefully you'll be even more proudly affiliated with me...n_n Hehe, I thought it was a grey block, being, er....a grey block? X3 Aiie, I still haven't gotten over how lucky I am to be first affie...I feel like clean bedsheets all over again...*giggles* <=]


Apr 8, 2004 
Wow! verything is perfect in this pictre! X___X *bows down* The persepctive on this is perfect, the character designs (plus props) are perfect. Everything! You did an awsome job on this Toby! =3
Apr 29, 2006 
it's best should^^
*hides under tail*
May 1, 2006 
(you know, I could just picture that! Scorpio'd have pleeenty of place to hide under his tail, he'd probably fit under there entirely, so you'd see nothing but a big fuzzball X3 )
Sep 3, 2006 
Great, the first time I saw it I laughed.
Sep 3, 2006 
It's so cute
Nov 1, 2006 
That helmet looks so cute on him lol. Good luck defending the kingdom though. I don't think a soul on earth could even think of hurting these creatures lol
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