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(by Tobias, Dec 20, 2009)
It's Cadpig - again ;P I actually drew this way back then in September, but I didn't upload it because I didn't want to post three colouring pages of the same character.

Not that it changed much - now that I'm posting this in December it's still three times the same character in the row anyway X3 This is the pencil sketch I used for the digitally outlined drawing, which is under "Print Image" ^^

Cadpig is part of '101 Dalmatians - The Series', © Disney.

This picture is part of the colouring pages here, for you to print out and to colour. Please give me credit for the lineart if you publish this image, even if you coloured it (such as, if you're submitting it somewhere to the internet). For any commercial use, please contact me for permission ^^

All pictures you see in the colouring pages gallery should be at 150dpi, so to get a printout of the size the picture originally was, try setting your printing software to that resolution (though it'll also look fine at other sizes ^^).

To print this image, click the "Print Image" link just below the image - you'll get a new window that has just the picture in it, and nothing else. From there, you can use your browser's print function to print the drawing (usually "Print" in the "File" menu). If your browser offers a "Print Preview" feature, be sure to use it and play around with the orientation - some drawings look better on landscape. Of course, you can also right-click to save the image, and then open it with your favourite imaging software, which will very likely give a much better print quality.

Dec 20, 2009 
Ehehe, I knew I recognized that lil' dalmatian! :3 Even if it's three in a row, spacing can be a good thing. (: Then we get to see your art more often!

I wish the weather was like this now! All warm, with grass and flowers bright and alive. Water warm enough to put your feet into and just relax. It's super mellow!
And nice-smelling flowers make things even better. :3 I remember walking by a nice bunch of flowers each day in the summer at school! I'd love to pick one and smell 'em again like she is here.

I guess we can count this one as the Christmas update! 8D
Dec 20, 2009 
You can, if I don't happen to post any other drawings ;P Especially since this is juuuust a little out of season (except for anyone that is yearning for spring again ^^). Here it snowed! A bunch of feet, too - I had to get out my boots just to go to the classes on Friday X3
I hope it stays, so that we'll have white Christmas again ^-^
Dec 21, 2009 
It's always good to see something from you, dear Toby. I personally didn't mind if you had submitted consecutively on account you rarely post as is, but spacing never hurts either. I really adore the detail you put into the bridge.
Dec 22, 2009 
Yay, it's Lolly!! *giggles* You almost post as rarely as I do, you know ;P Just wait, I might be overtaaaaaaking you with my quarterly submissions >3

And thanks ^^ I think I never sent my reply on the beta testing feedback you gave, did you? I'll get back to you these days on that, promised ^^
Dec 26, 2009 
Ack..haha...I know...Life just gets so hectic that you have no time to do the silly things you used to do..You of all people know that the most =) BUT YOU SHALL NOT. Now I am determined to at least churn out ONE PIECE before the new year ;D

I believe not, but take your time old friend. =) No rush here!
Dec 26, 2009 
Oh, I know what you mean ^-^ I still try doing all the silly things I used to do (time permitting, of course X3), my life would feel dull and boring without them ;P That's how you suddenly get me watching 101 dalmatians in the summer, and, around the same time, re-acting Digimon with my sister X3 (I was amazed I still remembered all the digivolutions!!)

Yay, you can do it ^-^ There's still tiiiiiiiiiime *grabs Lolly's paws and dances* >3
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