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For Toffie
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For Toffie
(by Tobias, May 22, 2004)
Well .. and this one's for Toffie, a fun and happy girl from Chile, who is crazy for pie, so I guess if you really want to make her day - forget roses and flowers - bring pie - and plenty of it too ^.^
and yay, we found just the right box too, I guess - the others probably have garlic in them, or onions *chuckles*

Full size was somewhere around 3,000x3,000 pixels, and around 10 layers, since I wanted to try on larger pictures too ^.^
May 22, 2004 
Wow. She looks adorable, her eyes are all shiny and Her hair, clothes look great. I love how you did the pie. You know, You look all cute, little and chubby sitting beside her
May 22, 2004 
thanks ^.^ actually writing "Pie" was pretty much the easiest thing to do here, I just .. wrote it ;)
the eyes and the clothes was mostly what I really wanted to try practicing, along with the ice and snow *hugs* thanks again ^.^
May 27, 2004 
Welcome :3 *hands Toby a cookie* How long did this take you?
May 28, 2004 
how long did writing "Pie" take me? hmm .. dunno, maybe ten minutes, maybe twenty .. not really long, in any case ^^;

aww, thanks *munches on cookie* n.n
May 29, 2004 
Meep, not just the Pie, but everything else :giggle:

Cookie ^_^
May 29, 2004 
can't really say, because I just drew a bit and then did other stuff again, or didn't even touch it for days (ya know, school and such ^^; )

want some? *breaks cookie in half and hands it to her*
May 29, 2004 
*giggles and hugs* All work and no play is horrible, ne? :P

Yay! *nibbles cookie* Thanks :3
May 25, 2004 
awww, Tobias looks cute in that pose! *giggles* The general setting of this picture looks ALL too familiar *nudgenudge* ;P I looove the parachutes, and the water looks awsome. I evny your skills sooo much xD

MMm..I keep hearing about Toffie all the time, maybe I should aquint myself to her one day? XD She seems pretty cool =)

The only mistake I see is the perspective on one of the faraway boxes. It sorta looks messed up, but it could just be me for the matter XD

Wow, this IS a really bug picture, and 10 layers? Thats murder! XD My record for layers was four, and thats when i got really impatient with that picture O__O Anyways, you did a great job, and it was very kind of you to make her a picture. =) *hug*
May 25, 2004 
aww, thank you n.n actually I want to practice a bit in poses, but that's something I decided after starting the picture.

yush, toffie is very nice, a bit busy at the moment, with school and stuff - but aren't we all? she's fun to talk to, in any case, and somehow I think you two would get along together just fine =3

ten layers I get pretty fast .. a few for the background, sea, sky, floe, one for the boxes and the parachutes, and so on .. plus I don't really finish it in a day, usually I just leave it for a couple of days and such, so I rarely get impatient.

I can see what you meant with the perspective, I actually thought of them .. well .. being in different positions because of the wind and stuff, but now that you say it, I have to agree it looks a bit funny ^.^

thanks a lot for your critique *hugs*
May 28, 2004 
*giggles* I cant wait see what other cute poses Toby will be put in, in the future =3

^-^ Eh, lately I haven't been making myself friends. =\\ I bet she really is nice, but from my past, I don't want to put anyone through any pain. X_X;; So I won;t put any effort. What could I say? I wasnt meant to have any friends ^^;

Hah, my current picture has 13 layers O.M.G =o It took me around a month to do too. Well, actually more like a week, cuz I'm lazy X3

Eh, it was just a minor mistake though. ^^; Everything esle with awsome detail will distract people from even noticing that tiny mistake =3

Glad to help, even though it wasnt much. *clingz*

May 29, 2004 
mep, I'm sure you two will get along well together .. she's very funny, you'll see - besides, you're a nice friend too, so I wouldn't worry about that a bit, if I were you =3

wow, 13 layers is quite a bit .. but they actually help, so you can't accidentally erase stuff from other layers. sooo, I suppose it's a big picture? =3

*pokes* eh, as long as one likes it, I wouldn't mind (actually I did it for Toffie, so her being happy with it is all I'd possibly want) ^.^

you did very nicely, no worries *clings back* ^^;
May 29, 2004 
Nooo, actucally I'm NOT a good friend, plenty of evidence for that too =|

Yes, It's very big. In fact, it's the picture I'm doing now for a certain someones present ;3

May 29, 2004 
*pokes* naw, I think you're just being too hard on yourself again ^^;

he, I would need to start with someone certain's present too .. eugh, so little time >.<
May 30, 2004 
I think I'm to easy on myself ._. eeeeeh, your getting ticked ^^; *hides*

Yush, before I have like, two months to get started, now its like a week, holy cow! XD I still need to add more detail too :o Realllly insane, my wrist hurts badly, since coloring on mouse sucks. cant wait to get a tablet *megapout*
May 25, 2004 
Oh, how could I miss this one? *falls over* n_n* Sorry I didn't comment excuse is I was being held hostage Yes. ¬_¬*


n_n* But anyways! Yay...its nice to see some more art from you again. And the subject up for discussion today is...pie? O_o* Ooo, I love pie! ^O^ Especially cheery, yummy...hehe, Toffie looks ready to pull up the plank, but Tobias is too busy dreaming to budge out the way. *giggles* n_n Perhaps hes dreaming about the possibly of fish pie? Who knows...=]

As Lolly pointed out, the only niggle is that box over yonder...*points* Its a bit lopsided. But you never know...could be a special box full of special lopsided things! ;] Or maybe some bruised fruit, hehe...=]
And the floe, the water around the bottom looks terrific, as if the box has just landed on it, lodging in the snow and causing a small tidal wave, hehe..n_n I'm wondering, did you come down with the box too? That would've been funny seeing a fox and seal pie-box riding in the sky! ;]

And good thing the pie was saved; I'm just wondering whats in the poor box which missed the floe...
George: Please dear god, not the marshmellows! ;o;
Hehe...would have ballooned to five times their size in water, so I'm guessing its not marshellows...=]

Again, beautiful art piece...and...erm...well, is there anything more to say? Nah, I'll just leave it at that; superb. n_n
May 26, 2004 
eeeh, it's not that new, actually *points to date* mooses? eeeh, evil evil critters, ne? just capturing Koshi and holding her hostage .. beh, that's mean X3

Cherry pie sounds delicious .. even though we mainly have apple pie here (not that you can't get cherry pie, but apple pie is by far the most common pie you'd get =3 ) Fish pie? would people like that?

thanks for the critique, yes, the box is definitely all lopsided, I agree .. hehe, I didn't even think of what happened if marshmallows were in a box .. but I guess it would have gone poof and it would be raining (swelled) marshmallows all day long ;) (and again, the vocabulary you have amazes me =P yay for Josie!)
May 27, 2004 
Gosh darnit, them mooses...*shakes her fist in an angry manner* They'll consume us all, one day! ;o;

Yea, cherry pie is splendiforous! ^o^ Especially warm from the oven, with hot custard on top...*dribbledribble* My, its pie fit for kings! Kings I say! X3
Mmm, apple pie is great...but it ain't a patch on cherry, huhuhu! n_n
Fish pie...hmm...I guess it could work. =]

Oh, yeah! That would be so be raining marshmallows! Then you could stick yer tongue out, and...mmm! Free food! XD Lets hope that if it rains marshmallows in the Arctic, an aurora borealis won't get in the way and dye them all rainbow-y coloured. =3
But it would be very pretty. n_n
(my vocabularityly isn't all that As you may have noticed in the last post, I spelt marshmallows 'marshmellows'. Bleh...I never spell it like that! I think I'm becoming delusional...*puts her hand to her forehaed and dramatically faints* n_n*)
May 28, 2004 
oh, hot apple pie from the oven with honey and cinnamon sure is something really delicious too .. cherry .. eeeh, I think it ranks up =3

I noticed .. and I actually wanted to spell it marshmellows too, but it looked a bit odd, so I took out my dictionary, and tada! found out it was indeed marshmallows. but don't worry, I bet I make plenty of spelling mistakes too, without even noticing it ^^;
*drags Josie to a seat and puts ice on her forehead* ^^;
May 29, 2004 
Oh, apple pie with honey sounds delicious! ^o^
Ok, I guess cherry and apple pie are even. ;P

Yee, I always thought marshmallows was a nicer way of saying it too...I mean, marshmallows aren't exactly mellow now, are they? X3
Ah, teh spelling mistakes...they plague us all. n_n

*shivers* Brr...cold! n__n* I need some hot apple pie now....=9
May 30, 2004 
hehe, I didn't even realize mellow was an actual word .. see? that's how you know that's not my native language .. even though I sometimes already know enough to chuckle when seeing certain misspelling and typos ;)

mep, as long as you don't faint again, it'll be just fine. Apple pie? uuh .. I only have tea, does that count? ^^;
May 26, 2004 
Is this what you had been working on the other day? XD It came out awesome! The details are amazing, as always. I still can't figure out how you make water so well. X3; The eyes are really sparkly and pretty, I especially like how Toffie's match the parachutes. Toby's pose is so cute. I've never seen him drawn that way, but it looks good for him. Congrats on finding the pie box! By the way, is that a fruit or something frozen in the ice? XD
May 27, 2004 
hehe, actually I was drawing on something differently the other day, this one I put up a bit earlier (rather recently, however). thanks - the eyes might look a bit better than usual, but still have a long way to go, looking at the way you draw them - your style looks very realistic and nice, when it comes to that ^.^
whee, you spotted the fruit =3 but don't ask me how it got there, nor how we would go about getting it - I have no idea ;)
May 27, 2004 
Ohh you're right, I just noticed the date was earlier. Silly me ^-^; Awww, thank seem to be doing very well with eyes too, coming along great. :3
Hmm...I suppose you could take a pointy object and chip it out?
May 28, 2004 
don't feel bad, actually I noticed the date isn't shown when looking at the picture itself .. I guess I must have forgotten to put it there ^^;
Aww, thanks - but I still have to practice a lot .. but I guess I'm learning just looking at your work =3

Hehe, yup, that or make a fire and melt it .. but how did it get in there in first place? =3
May 29, 2004 
Yay! I'm honored n_n

That too, but if you made a fire you could end up in the water soon enough. XD Maybe the floe had been smaller before, with the fruit fallen on it(could have come from the same place as the boxes), then more ice froze on to it and covered over the fruit too? Just a possibilty. =P
May 29, 2004 
*puts out fire* Eeep! But I could dive for the fruit after the ice melted .. but then again, all pie would be gone as well ;_;

Hehe, that would be my guess too .. but a fruit on the South Pole? Eh, I guess it's as weird as boxes of pie falling from the sky ;)
May 29, 2004 
*giggles* Yep X3
May 28, 2004 
Lol, I was stuttering reading that pie part, very funny for some reason. ^^ The water and ice texture turned out so nicely. All the little scratches on the ice berg (If that's a proper name for it) make it look kind of like actual ice. Her snout turned out great too, the mouth form and all looks a bit cartoony (In a good way) and cute (Somehow I can think of a mouth as cute X3). And it's always impressive to see the wood detail you add onto boxes and such. Eep, splendid job Tobers. :)
May 28, 2004 
actually I think the scratches are a tad too strong even, making it look like its made of plastic .. but I will experiment on that n.n no idea whether ice berg is the right term for that, I looked it up as well, and that's what it said there .. maybe it's also only a floe, seeing how small it is.
thanks for your comment, in any case - much appreciated =)
May 28, 2004 

Wee! That's so adorable! :D
Aww Toby, how can I ever thank you ;-;

Wow! What a big pic! You put so much effort into this D:

I love how you did the fur and the clothes folding... and those shoes are so cool! Much better than my simple design xD
I agree with Sylvana, you look very cute in that pose and... meeprawr D: I'm running out of words ^^;

Now, let's procede to open the box ;D

Thank you very much, it really did make my day ^-^

P.S: I love that frozen fruit... how do you fave this? :P
May 29, 2004 
mep, your design is gorgeous and funny, plus you're a nice person, so I just had do draw you something ^.^

glad you like the drawing, in any case .. the dressing was what I could see in your other drawings (nice taste, by the way ;P even though I'm more for green and brown, but blue and black is just fine for me as well) ^^;

yay - pie all day long .. hopefully that floe will still be able to carry us? ;)

oh .. you can't fave this here, but you can save and print it, if you like .. also, if you want the full sized image (it's around three times as big as this one, because I made it smaller so it's easier to look at), just say so, and I will send it to you ^.^
Oct 19, 2004 
mmm... pie!
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