Pineapple and Strawberries (Play Test, September '10)
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Pineapple and Strawberries (Play Test, September '10)
(by Tobias, Sep 25, 2010)
This is the current version of Paw'D, a Flash game I have been working on. It is work-in-progress, so let me know what you like, what you don't, and what you would change.


Note that by now we have our own website, with forums and everything - so if you'd like to play Paw'D, you're welcome to check it out!

Quick Start
  • To start the game, pick any username and click 'Login'. If no one else took that name yet, it's yours, and the game will protect it with whatever password you chose.
  • You can play with your keyboard or your mouse, but I'd prefer if you tested out the new keyboard controls and let me know how they work for you: Use your arrow or WASD keys to move around. 'E' selects a nearby enemy (press it multiple times to cycle between them), 'R' picks up nearby items, and your number keys are your abilities on your hotkey bar.
  • The full preliminary user manual is available online. ^^

Points of Interest
  • This will likely be one of the last play tests before release. Most features should be working and are included in this test.
  • There are three major quest chains to complete that will easily get you to level 10, the level cap of this test.
  • Deep in the forest, slightly off the main path, you'll find a dungeon to fight your way through, with very decent spoils that cannot be found anywhere else. It can be completed alone, though I'd really love to see two players group up and turn that dungeon upside down. Take a screenshot if you do it!
  • You can find a number of armor and other equipment that you can wear. All of it, save for pouches, shows up on your character and provides a boost to your abilities.
  • "Spirit Bottles" now drop from various monsters. They are used to enchant your armor, and give you unique effects that are related to the monster they are from.
  • Various items can be combined and crafted into new items. For example, claws can be attached to gloves, to increase the damage they do. This also changes their visual appearance.
  • A number of quests award tokens when you complete them. Territ exchanges these for special items and armor near the village.
  • Choco, near the village, needs your help to retrieve a treasure. Anyone can join in when the quest in progress and receive rewards. There are different rewards, depending on how well you do, and you can attempt it repeatedly. Try getting the best rewards!
  • There is a new ability, 'Auto-Attack' which is in your hotkey bar for your convenience. With it, simply pressing '1' attacks your currently selected target. If you have no target, it auto-selects the nearest enemy.
  • None of the maps are instanced (save for the dungeon). Don't make me regret that. ;P

Existing Testers
  • All your accounts are still there, and you can use the same name and password you picked before.
  • Existing characters have been given the option to change their name. So, if you tested the old version and want to use the same name for your new character, you can rename the old one if you wish.


How can one comment on a game?! Really, there are lots of ways - the entire game is made of pictures, drawings and much more - and not only that: was the game too easy? Too hard? Unfair? What parts did you like? Are there any quests you particularly enjoyed, any places, or characters that were particularly well drawn? Or maybe you have some really cool ideas you'd put into the game - those are all things you can comment on, and more. So, if you have comments or thoughts, I'd love to hear them. ;P

Credits can be found in-game, as well as online.

Sep 12, 2010 
I tried playing on one of the US servers, but it didn't work.

As for the game itself, I think it's rather well done. I was able to play up to the "Into the Gnats' Den" quest, though it'll be hard to group with no chat feature implemented yet.
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
The TX server was the one that didn't work. The GA server was working
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Okay, I'll look into what's going on with that one in a moment - thanks!

.. this means you're in the US, right? How does the GA server compare to the European one?
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Hmm, that's strange O.o Do you remember which one of the US servers you tried? Did it just get stuck at "Connecting", or did it give you an actual error message?

And congratulations ^-^ Which chat feature did you try that didn't work? There is a chatbox at the bottom that you can use to chat, but I have a feeling that's not what you meant, right?

Thank you for your comment - it's much appreciated. <3
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Such an awesome little game so far! I love the hungry bluebells quest, so cute~
Can't really give crits, seeming as it was really good xD
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Thank you ^-^ And that's okay, even letting me know that you liked it helps - that way I know I need to make more quests like the Bluebell one ;P How far did you get?
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
I got to level 6 I think, then had to go off for a while ^^
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Oh, I meant quest-wise X3 But level 6 sounds to me like you did pretty much all of the quests ;P
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Hey, its me again, And I tested the Warrior pretty thoroughly, and i have to say, You did a Good job with the Warrior, But as a suggestion, Id name em the "Feral"
1.The amount of Stat customization...With the stats, i can choose how Defensive, Offensive, or how Fast i want to be. And i found that amazing.
2.The Map was pretty solid, There were enough Quests to keep me Entertained for a long while.
3. i liked how you set it up so you would have to do that quest to learn Alchemy.
1. Extremely unbalanced skills. Specifically, Trash. Although the Fury cost is extremely high, its an insta kill for basically anything. I can see that skill Getting weaker at higher levels, But being able to get it at that level is Crazy.
2. I Wish i could enter the village (Lol)
Otherwise, i really didnt have any problems with it. Now, i hope that Mages And Ferals (Warriors) will meet up before level 10. Not just for party wise, but for the games sake, Right now, its crucial to the game for players to have more interactions, and with more interactions, the more interested a person is in a game.
Anyways....So far so good :D
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
First of all, thank you for your detailed review. Oooh, yes, Feral is a really good idea - thank you! I'll put that into the next build, so it should be up soon ^^ Warrior does sound too human, and they're really nothing like that. ;3

Glad you liked how the feral class turned out so far ^-^ I'll try and make a few of the stats slightly more pronounced (specifically as agility and dexterity), I just find them a bit hard to balance because there are so many different ways one could spend the points. Yeah, I tried putting a few more quests in, and I'm surprised how many players actually finished the quest chains. Seeing how few stuck around long when it was just grinding in cave, I'll probably go with adding more quests. Are there any types of quests that you enjoyed doing in particular? As for the alchemy quest - would you think it's a good idea to put quests in for other abilities as well, or would you leave them just for secondary nice-to-have skills?

Yup, I see what you mean with 1. I kind of thought of Trash as the skill where most of the damage would come from. If you look at the damage you can do with it right now, how much weaker would you make it? Currently it's [regular damage * 3] + 55 at level 1. Just as a reminder, I looked at the combat logs, and you dealt 75-79 damage with it.
About 2., that'll be fixed soon! ;P You got quite far, I see. X3

Ferals and mages will meet up - mages start out just east of the village, ferals start out west. The current plan (all subject to change, if you have any better ideas) is that you reach the village around level 5. Getting players to interact seems to be hard - quests can sort of keep them on a handful of maps for a few minutes, but except for adding grindy parts (kill 30+ of that monster!), I'm kind of short on ideas of how to keep them together. It kind of seems like a cold-start-problem - getting others to play together requires a sound number of players to start with ;P
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Alright, Well, I Played it again, Finished all the quests possible, eccept for one, And got to level 7, nearly level 8.

I'm going to have to take back my Statement about Trash being overpowered, because, realistically, Its not, And Zandra Helped me Realize that (Lol) After dying from Zandra, And Trash only doing 1/4th of her hp, i realized the problem wasn't the skill, it was the level of monsters i was fighting. And im going to admit, its nice to have a skill i can count on to kill one person, because if i get caught in a mob of 4 people, Id use trash and reduce it to 3, so i actually have a chance to stay alive.

Now. I LOVE the Pets. I cant believe you've already implemented a working pet system in this early of a beta. Makes it that much more interesting.

Now, To answer your questions, Id put quests in there for Secondary, nice to have skills, just because im sure a few people might skip over the quest if its important, just because they might not see it.

As for interaction, How about putting in a Mini-game? Ex: Maybe your in an arena with 1-3 other people, and you gotta defend a certain thing in the arena from oncoming monsters, And if you win, you get a Ticket, and you might be able to buy special items from the mini-game store with those tickets?
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 13, 2010 
That sounds like you found Jack's farm - yup, with the quests there you found all three quest chains, and with Zandra you found the dungeon as well. Congratulations! ^-^
Level 8 should be the maximum you can get without going to the village, because the monsters are too low level by now. (So then you'd definitely meet up with mages!)

Yeeeah, I know X3 I was actually using Trash the same way as you did, to take out one of the mobs if had multiple ones on me. ;P I still see your point about it being too powerful though - Zandra is only hard to defeat because she has a lot of HP (335, instead of 135, like her guards). With a weaker Trash, she could have less HP and the skill wouldn't feel as broken anymore? Or do you think it feels better if Trash keeps hitting strong, and harder monsters just have more HP to compensate for that?

I'm glad you like the pets! Right now they just follow you around, but if all goes well, some of them will actually help you in battle during the next test. ^^

Yeah, that's true. ^^ I actually didn't think of players missing the quest, and that would be bad if it were about an important skill ;P In a way, I kind of hope that players would give each other hints then - but right now, you're right, it shouldn't be more complicated than necessary. X3

Oooh, that might work - I'll try to add that in ^^ It might need a bit of time to actually write the script, but a mini-game like that is definitely a great idea! Thank you! ^-^ Are there any items in particular that you'd expect to see as rewards?
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 13, 2010 
I actually managed to get level 9...going to shoot for level 10 if I can, so that I can test out the level 10 ability.
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 14, 2010 
Nono .. don't spend that much effort getting to level 10, I didn't put a special level 10 ability in yet (only most of the skills have a new rank available then, but that's it). If you have time to spare, you could try the second server and see how it compares to the European one, and whether it would be worth keeping - that'd help me a lot. ^^ Besides, I still need to get back to your comment (after classes!), too!
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Fun times
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Thank you ^^ Anything you'd change, or anything you'd like to see next? ;3
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
I need to come back and do some more stuff, so far pretty good.

I'll reply again later.
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
Okay! ^^ If you have any ideas, let me know, and I'll try and put them in ^-^
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 12, 2010 
is there a way to pick up where I left off?

I don't want to spend the time to do all the quest again, but I will if I have to.
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 13, 2010 
Yup yup - just use the same username and password that you used before.

If you can't remember, let me know - I can reset it for you ^^
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 13, 2010 
Also, Im in the United states, and i know id get a better connection in the TX server, Is there any way You can switch my profile over to the TX server?
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 13, 2010 
Oh yes, right, you're in the US! I totally forgot about that. X3 Yup, if you could test the TX (and possibly the GA) server and see if they play smoother than the European one (more responsive movement and fighting, less lag and so on) - that would help me a lot. Since I'm in Europe, the European server plays really fast for me, and the US ones are laggy - so it's the other way around for you, I'd keep the one US server that plays smoother (they're from different companies). And if you find they're both worse than the European one, I know that I better get different ones - so any help there would be greatly appreciated. ^^

And yup, I can do that - I copied your account to the TX and the GA server, which should include all characters, levels, items and quests you've done. You're the first one to test it though, so I'll cross my fingers and hope that it worked! ^^
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 13, 2010 
Alright, I played the TX server, and Its at least 4x better, So much so, I was able to defeat Zandra At lv 8...Solo (Yes its possible) So i officially beat every single possible quest for the Feral. Im Completely Satisfied with myself.

Anyways...Back to Suggestions :p:
As i said, The TX Server was Much better for me, And the GA server wasnt as good, But i am closer to Texas. (Im located in Nebraska)

After killing Zandra, I Actually think Trash is just fine where it is. Its high cost barely makes it a factor in boss battles. Sure, it does do a fair amount of damage, but id rather be using a huge flurry of attacks than 1 Huge hit, with many regular attacks.

Also, I reached level 9 and Tested Charge attack Solid skill right there.
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 15, 2010 
Thank you - that helps a lot. ^-^ I noticed the raw numbers for your connections look a lot better on the Texas server, too. I still saw one or two latency spikes though - are you on wireless?

Oh wow, that must have been quite a battle then @.@ Hope it was at least a little exciting. ;P By the way, how was it, difficulty-wise? Would you fine-tune the monsters in the dungeon, or do they pose enough of a challenge?

Now about the suggestions - Nebraska, huh! Atlanta isn't so much farther away that it'd make a big difference from the Texas server, so I think the Atlanta server is just a bit worse in general. They had downtime already, and together with your feedback I'm pretty sure I'm going to cancel that one. There's another place offering servers in Kansas, which is looking pretty good - so I'll try that one next. ^^

Charge attack? Where did you get that one from! I didn't even put it in the skill tree yet as far as I remember. O.o It was an old skill that I kinda scrapped for now, because it felt awkward to use. ;P
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 16, 2010 
Yep, im on Wireless

It was perfect difficulty, although people who are not experienced mmo wise, would probably easily get killed until level 10 or without another person

And i got Charge attack from the "Extra Abilities" Tab *3rd one* I thought it was decent, Its a great skill to make the first strike with
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 22, 2010 
Oooh that explains it. I noticed a slight packet loss from wireless, which explains the latency spikes in your connection. Did you notice any jumps or freezes at all?

That's good to know. ^^ The gnat burrow is kind of made for two, so having to be experienced to pass through it alone is actually a good thing. ;3 Charge attack will probably stay, but it needs to be changed .. if I recall right, it has a cast time and everything - which I imagine feels awkward. ^^; (plus, it uses Mana instead of Fury - oops).

I put a mini-game in, similar to the one you suggested. Look for a black wolf in saliko_fields01 (the map next to the village, with the robot) - it's not quite an arena, but you're still defending. There are more rewards the more of the monsters you manage to defeat (once you get low on health, no more attack and they retreat), and all players that participate are rewarded, regardless of whether they're on the quest.
(You need to abandon the quest to do the event again at the moment; once the village is open, it'll be a repeatable quest.) What do you think?
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 22, 2010 
Yes, I noticed a few jumps and freezes, but ive come to expect those in ALL mmos, so don't fluster too much about it

Yeah, might need to edit it a bit

I played the mini-game, Beat it solo of course. It was exactly the type of thing i suggested, and you did it extremely well. I can see this bringing a few lower level players together to do it, because i doubt that once this game gets a few more players, and that it gets bigger size wise, People are going to skip some of the beginner quests because they might not find it necessary to do lower level quests, and this one is one that wont be skipped over just because of how fun it is
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 13, 2010 
It's been a while since I tested, and I apologize, just been caught up in doing work stuff and writing stuff, and now bowling is going to be starting up, so fun fun. But in any case, I tested some of the facets of the warrior class. Got up to level 9, but that was more or less a formality, as I beat the quests before that point. You know my style, that of the cautious warrior medic, so it probably should surprise you that I went through the next with caution and thorough preparation. So, here are my thoughts:

First off, I really like how you put the passage of time into this version, where you can see the day and the night appear as you play through the game. It adds a certain something to the game, and the scenery is very nice to enjoy. Touches like that really make a game all the more enjoyable, and I give you kudos for it.

Second, might need to fix the farmer NPC so that he gives you bottles after the quest is done. He gives you a bottle to complete the herb quest, but I was never able to get a bottle from him after the fact, even though I had the red herbs. Would be nice to be able to get more healing potions in the game if you need them.

Getting to the actual class, it's an interesting concept, getting spell points with the more you initiate combat. Actually works pretty well, and the gradual fury decrease between combats makes sense. In group play, it might prove to be a little difficult to manage in team play, given that the more the other party members gear up for a difficult melee, the more of a disadvantage the warrior is at because of not being able to use an ability right away. In some ways, it balances things, in others its a bit of a hassle. I think it's suited enough to leave as is, though.

The class lends itself very well to combo attacks. You start off with a bite to get the %5 damage increase, add a critical hit percentage increase with another ability, then use trash to deal a savage blow, and you're potentially maximizing damage against a tough foe. You can't chain these abilities together without doing enough damage to get your fury up, but once you do, it puts the hurt on significantly. If you have the natural fighter ability active to decrease the cost by 50 percent, you could potentially get two trashes in back-to-back. Which is crushing.

I didn't see any places available to get weapons as in the other server, so I'm not entirely sure how that would work, but unless I miss my guess, this class could be absolutely devastating once they gain access to melee weapons. Something to consider, certainly. The enchanted wing was nice for an intelligence boost, but I don't see that the warrior class can use that, necessrily, and the sp increase didn't seem to be active that I could see.

As always, your characters were cute and you really felt for their plights when you encountered them. You seem to have a knack for that. ;) I was actually considering writing a bit of a story regarding the other quest chain, the one with the flower children. Main character I would call Stem, it seems to fit regarding the nature of the heroes. ;)
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 14, 2010 
Oh wow, thanks for the detailed review. *-* You're doing fine! I just barely posted a new build to test and you reply within a few hours - really, if you hadn't told me you were caught up with work and everything, I wouldn't even have noticed. ;P We have a really nice bowling alley in our local movie theatre, but I haven't been there in like .. forever *-* I should really grab a few friends and just go there again, buuut I'm really not that good to start with. ^^;

Yup yup, I didn't really pay too much attention to the levels this time - by now there are enough quests and dungeons that the level cap will probably be risen to 15 anyway. ;P Glad you like the warrior class (despite behind a healer!). Those warriors might well be the guys that you'd be healing - scared yet? X3

Thank you. ^^ There is actually a server time, so everyone actually observes the same time in-game. The idea was that some monsters could be night-active, such as ghosts, but I've heard other games had troubles as players returning to a place during night didn't understand why an area was suddenly a lot harder. So .. I'm not sure anymore whether to pursue that.

Oh yes, that's true - the farmer only giving bottles for that quest was on purpose, because bottles are sold in the village café. When playing, did you expect him to keep giving bottles? It would be no problem to add that in, to reward players from remembering that. The game would lose a slight money sink though, since bottles would usually cost 3 silver. What do you think?

And wow - I think you've really tested just about every facet about that class. *-* I honestly didn't think anyone would grasp all that in such great detail that quickly, so .. well done. ^^ You're right about team play - but it wouldn't be hard to add an ability they could use every so often that would give them a small boost of initial fury. And you got your combo attacks down really well too, I see! The plan for the natural fighter ability is to reward players who realize how and when to use it with higher damage - so kudos for figuring it out ;3 It'd actually be interesting to see how high of a damage you can sustain as a warrior, but none of the monsters in the west forest would last long against you if you use your abilities like that. ;P

The server is actually the same - your other characters are east of the village, and you're west of it. If the maps were connected, they could go to each other's place. Yup, you're right - the enchanted wing really is useless for warriors, but I'm sure it would be pretty attractive to your healer, no? ;P And it'd look good on him, too. ^-^ Zandra drops half-warrior and half-caster stuff, so if a group of both classes went down there, at least one of them would get something useful.

And .. thank you. ^-^ If you would like to write a story, you're totally welcome. If you want and have an idea for a story that others could play through, you could even write a quest chain yourself - I'd have no problems with adding it in! You could think of your own places, NPCs, what they need, and so on. Remember, during the test, flower spirits started at level 5 - they have no quests from 1-5 yet, and having something similar (yet different) to what warriors have would be quite nice. ;P
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 16, 2010 
That's the nice thing about bowling, though. You don't necessarily have to be good at it to enjoy it. Same thing with golf. Although I would argue that golf carries way more frustrations than bowling does. Inclement weather patterns, hazards, and lost golf balls...all you have to worry about with bowling is getting your ball stuck in the ball return.

It certainly would make things a lot easier on the warrior class if they can count on someone to heal them constantly while they deal out damage at a rapid pace. I noticed while in combat, it doesn't take too long to charge up fury with repeated blows. That's where a lot of the synergy takes place; the fighter protects the healer, and the healer protects the fighter. It increases fighting capability four times, by my estimation.

About the nighttime influencing monster strength; it's a good idea, really. The best way I can think of to counterbalance that is have some monsters that are weaker at night as well. The shifting of time works both ways, so while it might be a benefit to wait until a certain amount of time for best effectiveness, you can use the time waiting to get other things accomplished a little easier as well. You could balance it with traits like alignments as well, if you wanted, but since that system isn't in-game, it might be overstated.

Well, you could put a cap on the farmer...he only has a limited supply of bottles for each character, or he only has a certain number per day or week, until he goes to town to restock his supplies. That would prevent abuse to a degree. Or he could charge, as you said. There's always ways to work around a problem.

An ability that might fit for a warrior class would be Adrenaline Rush; the warrior self-inflicts a minor amount of damage to themselves in order to gain a fury boost. The ability couldn't be used if the warrior has half or less than half of their health remaining (adrenaline already in the system). It would solve the no initial fury problem, at a slight cost of having to sacrifice being at full strength at the beginning of a combat.

I'll have to take on Zandra again, see what I can get. In any case, I like the idea of writing a quest chain, I might have to get involved in that as soon as I have time. :)
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 22, 2010 
Oh yes, that's true - but missing three times in a row can still be kiiind of discouraging. ;P And yup, I agree - plus, with our bowling alley, they serve snacks and drinks while you wait for others to make their turn. It just seems a lot more sociable than golf. X3

Warriors would still get a few defensive skills to reduce incoming damage and to keep monsters away from the healers (which would also distinguish them from warriors that only picked offensive skills). Once those are in place, it'd be interesting to see how a healer-warrior combination would do in, let's say, the hollow tree (which you saw already, right? The place with the spiders!).

The biggest challenge will really be making sure that warriors and healers are actually playing at the same time - putting a dungeon for two people in is kind of pointless if people just expect to solo everything. Likewise, being able to count on a healer-warrior team allows me to put more interesting stuff in than "damage boss X faster than it can drain your health bar" - as is the case with Zandra. ;P

Yup yup, I agree - it'd be a good idea, but it'd be hard to make sure that everyone understands why map X is suddenly hard and that it'll be easier in six minutes. ;P And elemental alignments do exist - were you never surprised that your heals that ought to heal for 63-78 hit the zombies for over 120 damage instead? ;3 Unless you mean different alignments than I do, then they don't exist. X3

Here you go: "Adrenaline Rush - Adrenaline rushes through your body, instantly generating 35 fury but reducing your physical defence by 15% for six seconds." - 1 minute cool down. I thought it'd be less stressy on healers than seeing your warrior's HP drop 10% right before they engage the enemy. ;P It's already in-game, and works probably just like you expect. X3

Sure! I have plenty of other things in the game to work on, so take your time. ^-^ If you want, you can also try your hand at the existing (but not-yet-published) quest chains in-game (such as those in the village), since you're probably a better writer than I am. X3
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 21, 2010 
im officially obsessed with this game
that is how amazing it is
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 21, 2010 
Aww, thank you <3 *feels honoured*
I did notice you got disconnected a lot though O.o If you have a bit of time, would you be ready to help me test what's happening there? It won't take long (it'd also have to wait until tomorrow , since I reeeeally ought to be in bed by now ^^; ), and it'd make the game a lot less frustrating if that's fixed. ;P

Glad you like it, in any case ^-^ If you have any ideas of what to improve, shoot! ;3
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 21, 2010 
it was disconnecting when my laptop battery got to low
i think it was cuz i needed more power to send out a signal lol
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 22, 2010 
its when i hit my attack buttons to quickly
i get disconnected
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 22, 2010 
Ooo yes - that might actually be it. How quickly are you pressing them though? @.@ And is it just the attack button ("Auto-Attack"), just the various abilities you have ("Bite" / "Slash") .. or both of them combined?

I changed the game file slightly - does it still work fine for your play-style, and does it still disconnect you?
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 23, 2010 
im pressing 1234 as fast as i can lol 123313441324324124324134141234
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 23, 2010 
woot im not getting disconnected :D
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 23, 2010 
Haha, yeeeah, I was about to say - try and see if it still disconnects you. And yup - that was really the reason for getting disconnected. It's all fixed now, thanks to you!

By the way, you're on a MacBook right? Did you notice anything off? I've never been able to test the game on a Macintosh at all. ^^
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Sep 27, 2010 
This is super!!! best flash game ive found!!
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Sep 27, 2010 
Haha, thanks! ;3 How far did you get? ;P
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Sep 27, 2010 
to the forth.... place. sry. o_o' undisctiptive
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Sep 27, 2010 
Nooo worries ^^ Soooo congratulations getting to the fourth place ;3
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Oct 1, 2010 
I love it! This is the funnest game I've played online in years.

Thanks so much, and great job!
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Oct 1, 2010 
Aww, thanks <3 It's far from done yet, but I'm glad you liked what you saw so far! ^-^

Hehe, and you got quite a few of the trophies too, I see X3
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Oct 1, 2010 
Yep I just completed all the quests that the game has to offer, I gotta question though, will I still be able to use this my current character when you've finished?
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Oct 1, 2010 
Congratulations! ^-^ Now that you've completed all the quests, which kind of quest did you like the most, and would like to see again in the new maps? Are there any that were too difficult, and are there any that you'd cut (or change) because they were too boring or such? ;P

And yup, of course - that character is yours forever. ^-^ You keep anything you collected and completed so far, and you'll be able to explore new zones (which will be level 8+) right away when they're added. ^^
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Oct 2, 2010 
The quest that I liked the most was the Forest Gnat nest, it was the first boss type character you encountered, I did fail a few times due to a bunch of the Gnat Lookouts calling the red gnats.

The only trouble I had with it was I couldn't enter the portal that appeared in the nest after I destroyed the eggs, i tried to access it from a few different angles but it didn't work.

None were too difficult in fact some could have been more difficult, namely the quest where you lead the lost Baby Bluebell out of the forest, nothing really attacked and if it did it attacked you not the Bluebell, so their wasn't much difficulty involved.

And sweet, I'm already lvl 10 and am ready to tackle any new challenge you give me, like I said before I really enjoyed the game.

The quest that provided the most challenge was the second and third times I fought off the Bear Bandits I thought they were funny because they were smiling and happy looking, I felt like I was fighting Care Bears, however in their sheer numbers even at lvl 10 they proved troublesome.

By the way is there anyway I can add a password to it now, because I don't think I want just anyone to be able to access it.
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Oct 3, 2010 
Haha, yeah, the Lookouts will do that. ;P They shouldn't be involved in the actual boss fight though, right?

Oooh yes, I think I know what you mean - the portal down there doesn't automatically warp you - you need press Space or Up when you're standing on it. When it still warped you automatically, players had troubles getting to the loot that Zandra dropped after they went for the eggs - they'd jump up on the left side, and automatically get warped out by the portal. ;P I'll mention that in the manual - thanks. ^^

Yup, you're right - I'll look into that. Since you're walking ahead of your Baby Bluebell, they always see you first and go after you. Either I'll make them to specifically look for any Baby Bluebells following you, or there might be an ambush somewhere in between. ^^

Will do - I'll try to add as much as I can today, but it will probably take me until Monday or Tuesday to finish and unlock the new zones. I'll let you know, if you want! ^-^

Hehe, I realized they look kinda weird being all happy and everything, but I have to find the source Flash file to change the graphic, so I've been putting it off. Then again, assaulting you might be fun for them, so maybe that's why they're smiling. X3

You can set a password by logging in, clicking on "Switch Character" and then going to change password. It's pretty awkward, I know - I'll change it for the next test. ^^

Thanks for your feedback!
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Oct 3, 2010 
Your welcome for the feedback, but hey you said in the quest where the Baby Bluebell follows you to maybe have things ambush you in the middle or attack things that follow you, well with the one you can call with the whistle, I don't know if it can die but I don't think that people would be happy if their pet died.

Your right maybe the "Care Bears" do enjoy attacking you, and I can't wait to meet their boss.

Sure I'd like you to send me a note on DA when you get the other zones open, I've also been fighting Gnat nest a lot and I can't seem to be able to obtain the hat, I keep getting wings and stingers, maybe it's because I'm not using the newer beta version?
v0.7: New Beginnings (devArt)
Oct 12, 2010 
Erm... Now, this may just be me (I can get lost in a paper bag), but I'm finding it hard to GET to the hollow tree, and the church. also, there appears to be a floating portal-marker thing in the section of Saliko forest with the wodden warning barrier-thingy. It SAYS there's a portal on the minimap, but it looks like, as I said before, it's floating... is this intentional, or a mistake in the game (and sorry for my lack of the correct words). Otherwise a great game (though it is a bit hard to get EXP once you get to level 12)
Oct 12, 2010 
Find Akia in the village and talk to her - she will teleport you there. The hollow tree is actually a dungeon; if you do it way you wanted, without Akia, you'd need to clear the bottom half of it to get up to Cladt. Since that's nigh impossible without a healer, I didn't pay much attention to that option. ;P Try it with Akia - that's the intended difficulty at that level.

And yup, you're right - I totally missed that portal. When I block off parts that aren't done yet, I just move the portal into the air so no one can reach it, but I forgot to mark it as invisible too. You're really observant, good work finding all those glitches. ^^

(You can't get experience from low level monsters, and none of the monsters are high enough to be worth much. The plan is to start quests in the deep forest at that level - which is still blocked off. I'll try to finish it as soon as I can. Just takes me a while to write up all those quests. ^^)
Oct 17, 2010 
Okay, thanks XD (and I'm not so much observant as desperately looking for a way to where I want to go!) deep forest? ooh... sounds good!
Oct 17, 2010 
Okay- just some suggestions about the mine: first, in the deep mine, it'd be nice if, right at the start was veiwed as 'safe' (because it is), and when you died, you could return to there instead of the descent level. also, are you SURE that mr evil demon (who's name I forgot... he's the former cave guardian) is level one? Because me and two of my friends (our levels are 11, 12, and 15)couldn't beat him! WE JUST KEPT DYING! Now, I appreciate a challenge, but it IS starting to get a wee bit annoying... and, random fact: did you know he's immune to sleeping powder? I didn't... nice touch there!
Your insanely rant-ish fan,
Oct 18, 2010 
Hi ^-^

Yup yup, I see what you mean - it's perfectly safe there, the reason why you are sent to the beginning of 'Descent' is more a technical one: Right now, if players respawn on the same map on the boss, it's possible to re-engage it after they died if they just respawn fast enough, without breaking combat. I'll have to think of something really smart to prevent that, then I have no problems with putting a respawn point there. :3

Zhaakan ought to be level 11 - does he show up as a level 1 for you? O.o You should definitely be fine in three, but one of you needs to come as a healer. It'll make all the difference. If all of you come as warriors, you'll have 600-700 HP altogether, while he has around 3500 - he'll win every time, no question. I didn't see you play so I can only look at the combat log, but make you sure dodge the icicles too.

I have no problem with switching one of you to priest (so they don't have to start from scratch), but I'd need to know who. Erik in the village also offers a skill-reset now, in case you ever want to re-assign your skill points.

Aaaand yup, guardians are immune to all effects that would incapacitate them. I'm amazed you actually found that out (and that you actually tried to sleep him, too!) - well done! ^-^
Oct 19, 2010 
Yeah... he was level 11 (oops)... and if I want to be a preist, I'll just start from scratch XD (thanks for the offer though!)
Nov 17, 2010 
Hi its FlakyRock, is there anyway I can retreive my password?
When I entered the password for the first time I changed it (rit it) something different than my original. Its not my actual password so its alright! But I was asking is there a database that you can access and get it back please? D:
Nov 17, 2010 
Oh wait, just found out that passwords are incripted, never mind.
Nov 17, 2010 

Yup, the passwords are encrypted, but I can still set a new one it if you can't remember what you picked. What's your account name?

Take care,
Nov 20, 2010 
not working
Nov 21, 2010 
Now working. ;P Thanks for letting me know; your character should be still there, so you're good to go. ^-^
Nov 22, 2010 
Erm... I think I might have found a glitch... My priest character has a fruit knife and a clawed glove of stamina equiped. Whenever I log on, a message appears saying that the clawed glove of stamina has been unequiped, even though it was equiped when it logged off... is this a real glitch, or the game nagging me to get a more magically suited hand... thingy (for lack of a better word).
Nov 24, 2010 
Hi Kage,

Ooh, yeah - that's a glitch alright. A pretty nice one at that, too. What's happening is that the server only remembers that you have an item equipped, but not where you wear it. Also, since the fruit knife was meant to be removed, I never set it to be wearable on either paw (only on your right one).
So, when you log in, the server would put your clawed glove of stamina on your right paw, then try to put on your fruit knife. It'll find out that it can only go on your right paw as well, and thus take off your glove again to make room for your fruit knife.

I'll have it fixed by tonight - good job finding that one, and thanks for letting me know. <3 This is one of the few bugs that I'd never have found easily, since it didn't generate any log messages. X3 And nothing wrong with using attack boosting stuff on your priest - I can imagine it's pretty effective to combine that with being able to yourself heal up during battles.

Nov 30, 2010 
How do you make friends, and how do you invite or join people?
Dec 1, 2010 

You can add players as friends or invite them to join by holding down "Ctrl" on your keyboard and clicking on them.

It'll pop up a menu that has all those options in them (you can also right click them, but Flash acts weird with right clicks sometimes).

To join a group of players, have them invite you. Whoever started the group should have an "Invite" option when they right click your character. ^-^
Dec 5, 2010 
Thanks so much! I love the game and I think I'm doing pretty well so far. :3 BTW, do guys and gals get different items for certain quests?
Dec 6, 2010 
Hehe, I thiiiink I know what quest you are referring to! X3 It would be possible, but if you are thinking about Jianna - nope. Guys and gals both get the flower, because it's her hairclip that she gives you. Wouldn't it be strange if she was carrying stuff for guys around? .. then again, maybe she might be handing away her brother's toys that she snatched. >3 Hmmmm ...

And yup, you're doing very well - I've just glanced over your quests, and I think the ones you are missing are the Deep Forest quests (from the village, go two maps right, there is a path forking off to the top) and the dungeon quests (which are thought for a team of two, but make for more interesting content). If I see you on, I'll drop you a line!
Dec 7, 2010 
...I didn't really think about that one...but yea. I was refering to the giant gnat queen...I forgot her name. Somethin the Vemomous. ^-^ My guy character got a stinger, but my gal character got a necklace, then I got confused.
Dec 7, 2010 
Ooops, sorry! Nope, that was just random. X3 Zandra has a couple of things that she can drop: a stinger, that necklace, a brown cloth cap - whenever you defeat her, you have a chance to get any of these. Same goes for Cladt - so if you didn't get what you hoped for (like if you wanted the stinger on your gal character), you can just pay her another visit. ^^
Dec 8, 2010 
...she regenerates? I'll have to pay her another visit then! X3
Nov 30, 2010 
Maybe you could add 'add' to the friends section. It might make it easier to make friends or join groups. 'w'
Dec 1, 2010 
Good idea - I can't believe I missed that!

I'll do that as soon as I post the next update - should be tomorrow or so. ^^

Thanks <3
Dec 5, 2010 
I saw that 'ignore' had it so you could type who you wanted to ignore, but 'friends' couldn't let you type who you wanted to be friends with. I just went, "Whuuuut???" ^w^ Keep up the good work!
Dec 6, 2010 
Yup yup, well noticed! ^-^ And yeeeah, it's weird. ;3 I ran out of room because of the "Map" button (which shows where your friends are), and since I could still Ctrl+Click others to add them, it kinda never occured to me. X3

Anyway, it's fixed - even though, you might need to force-reload (Ctrl+F5) the page to get the newest client. Now you have an "Add" button, and I sorta squeezed the "Map" button right next to it too! XD

Anything else I missed? ;P
Dec 7, 2010 
I finally convinced my bro to get an account (^w^ Win!) and when he came with me to defeat Cladt, Akia didn't teleport him back with me. So, he was trapped in the tree. :3 Can you make a 'Summon' command? It would make groups easier to find eachother, also.
Dec 7, 2010 
Aww yay, that's great! That you got him to join, I mean, not that Akia left him behind. ^^; Yup, a summon command is a good idea - I might even get a chance to add that in this evening. Still, I'm a lot more puzzled that Akia didn't teleport him back - she should have. O.o; Did you notice anything off?

Oooh, and since your brother joined - one of you could play as a priest (healing) and the other one as a warrior (fighting)! Once you are around level 12 or so, you could give the dungeon in the East Caves a go (the same place where you saved Jianna's pet rabbit, except that you keep going down). It might have a surprise down there, who knows. >3
Dec 8, 2010 
Oh! I tried to fight the bear that says "Fresh Food!" alone (because I don't see anyone online D: I'm in the U.S. server) and I, well...died. Anyway, I forgot to add the idea for a 'go to' command on my last suggestion. If your friend says you can, then you'll be teleported to them. :3
Dec 31, 2010 
hey, i made an account and it was awesome!!!! :) :3 but i can't go on it again and i really want to. :(
Dec 31, 2010 
Hi Lila,

Glad to hear you like it! And hmm, that's odd - is it giving you any error messages? It seems to work fine at least on my end.
Dec 31, 2010 
oh i don't know what happened the first time... but then they suddenly let me on again... ? :(
Dec 31, 2010 
Psh, it's being weeeird. X3 If that ever happens again, just note down the error message and let me know, I can probably fix it right away. ^-^
Jan 2, 2011 
oh well i think i accidentally put in the wrong password. X3
Jan 4, 2011 
Oooor the wrong username. X3
Jan 5, 2011 
maybe... :D . anyway... i did a DevArt account, :D but i don't know how to to put my pics on there, it's confuseing!! XD
Jan 5, 2011 
Awesome - congratulations ^-^ What's your devArt account? Aaaand do you mean uploading your drawings is confusing, or taking pictures of them and finding them on your computer? How far did you get?
Jan 6, 2011 
my devArt account is mist-lightning-snap. (i don't know how to do the link things so yeah.) on devArt is kind of confusing. i got as far as trying to upload a pic. aaaaand i discovered that i did have a scanner... but i don't know what button to press- scan or email.
Jan 1, 2011 
gosh i saw Tobias on here!! he made me black. (he accidentally made me white and see-through. he was messing with my colors. then he became see-through,too!!! lol!:3 )
tell em about it Tobias!! happy new year!!! :3
Jan 1, 2011 
hey i love this game, lila told me about it on yahoo. it awesome!!!! :3
Jan 1, 2011 
Aww, yay - thank you. ^-^ You two could play together now (Lila's a priest, so you could be a warrior), and see how far you get!
There are four dungeons around the village that need teamwork to get through, soo you two will find quite a bit to explore if you go together. :3
Jan 1, 2011 
yeah she already played with me... we went pretty far,too. but then we both died, surrounded by gnats! XD lol, who knew such little gnats would team up to kill two cats!! X3 oh, well. :)
Jan 1, 2011 
Oooh yes, they can be pretty evil in numbers. X3 You should be able to get past them though, especially past level 3 or 4 - are you using your abilities (such as bite/slash as warriors, and heal/poison skills as priests)?
Jan 1, 2011 
well... there were a bunch of them!!! we were surrounded!! they are evil!!!!
Jan 1, 2011 
Yup yup, there's a bunch of them - but they're only gnats in the end. X3 A couple of well-aimed swipes with your paw, and they should be gone!
Jan 1, 2011 
hmm... that's weird... i was just playing, and then there was a sign that said,"disconnected from server." and then it went to the sign in screen!!! :( why's that???
Jan 1, 2011 
Oh, those things are usually glitches on my part. ;P In your case you were sitting down, and trying to walk (which you couldn't, because you were sitting). Since the Flash client kept sending "walk" commands to the server, it eventually just disconnected. X3

They're not your fault at all, and I'm grateful for all those little glitches you (intentionally and accidentally) find. I tend to make a list with all major and minor things that need fixing, and they'll usually be fixed for the next update (which is once every few days).
Jan 1, 2011 
oh well i was sitting down. maybe that's why! XD
Jan 1, 2011 
Yup yup ^-^ I've already fixed the code, so the glitch will be gone on the next update. :3
Jan 14, 2011 
How can you find friends? I can't find anybody.
Jan 14, 2011 
Hi Lauren,

I posted the game for testing several months ago, and by now a lot of players have already played through the maps that were up then. I do add updates and will post a new test-round once everything is somewhat presentable, but that takes time. ^^

So, at the moment you either need to be lucky and run into someone that just found the game in the last few days as well, or invite a friend of yours to play with you and conquer the game world together. ^-^
Jan 20, 2011 
veeery few people on here. you're lucky if you even see a person here! i'll spread the news! ^-^
Jan 20, 2011 
Weeell, like I said in the post above, the purpose of the game is that you can join it with a friend and play together, in case you are both online on MSN and don't know what to do. X3 Right now everything is still under development, with server restarts, fixes and everything, so don't expect to find a huge community on it. Play it with someone you know - you should have no real issues getting really far together. ^^

Once everything is a little more polished, I'll try and spread the news too - buuuut at the moment it helps most if you spot glitches, typos in the quest text, stuff that NPCs say that sounds weird (I'm not a native English speaker, so that can happen quite a bit!), and so on. ^-^ You can even go over the manual and see if I missed anything - beecause that needs to be finished as well. XD
Jan 30, 2011 
dude dont make the game so hard its hard to get past casper and the ants
Jan 30, 2011 
Hi Luke,

Casper blocks off the path to the High Plains, which I work on. He takes his job very seriously, and he does yell that I told him to not let anyone pass when he spots you. ^^
There is a quest in the village that lets you bypass the High Plains at level 15, and trust me - you need to be level 15 for the area beyond it. :3

About the ants - I am nooot quite sure which ones you mean. The ones at the East Caves or the ones at the Hollow Tree? Either of these areas are dungeons for several players, though. They should pose little treat once you group up with other adventurers whose skills complement yours (a group of warriors and priests works best).
Now, if you were talking about the area where Rain is in (and you're around level 10), then that would indeed be a glitch. Dungeons are supposed to be team effort, though. Also, keep in mind that you can reset your stats and skills in the village (ask Erik), if you feel you need more stats in vitality (health) or such. ^-^

That said, if you believe any battle whatsoever is glitched or too hard, drop me a note (or a comment) with the (rough) time of the fight and your in-game name, and I will check the battle logs to see what was going on. ^-^ The server does keep logs of each battle for a bit, which you can check yourself as well, by logging into your account here and clicking on "Logs" right after the fight.
Feb 1, 2011 
Shooey, the one(s) at the church were found active not at 12:00 or 1:00 in the game. I think theres an error there.
Feb 1, 2011 
Hmm .. I can see that something was amiss, because one of them was active while the others weren't. I'll look into it. ^-^
Feb 1, 2011 
O.K., I felt an urge to make a review to you, Tobias, in my opinion so here we go.

The game is awesome! I really perfer pixelized games, but the way the scenery, items, and everything else is done so well, I actually forgot I loved pixelized games! The music from the shore to Saliko Feilds I is very nice and catchy. The idea of pets was great too.

Caspar; Um... What is that?! I mean, if your'e going to put a maxxed out guardian, atleast make it someone less pushy, or atleast make him say "You are not allowed past, there is a _______." and if you walk past him, he'll K.O. you.
Why when you jump off Cladt's ledge you get K.O.'d? During Save the apples, you can jump off the ledge and you don't get anywhere close to getting K.O.'d.
How come theres a ghost at the church during 12:00 PM to 1:00 AM in the game?
Why do the mine workers attack you after you open a treasure chest, or when you return from a dungeon even with the seal on?
The gnat nest is over populated, to a low level like a level 3 - 5. But the spider trail (Deep Saliko Forest to The Hollow Tree) is far past that! Plus a almost impossible boss spider?! Then a ton more spiders in a dungeon? What was that?
I suggest that there should be a giant mountain sized ant hill somewhere in the game, that you must fight ant guards while climbing it, then go into it and explore it untill you find the queen ant, all in a big dungeon(inside the hill)!
A hidden village of coyotes or foxes, who offer to help you in your quest to defeat the ant queen or something else.

These are all opinions, so i'm sorry if anything offended you. Thank you for listening to me!
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Feb 1, 2011 

Thank you for your review. ^-^ Great to hear you like the music - Colin made it. I love it, too. I'll let him know that you enjoyed it. ^^

- Casper keeps adventurers from areas that are off limits for now. Less pushy isn't like Casper. Casper is a boss. He does as he pleases.
- Jumping from the Hollow Tree is a lot higher than jumping from the branch in Saliko garden. Don't fall down from too high.
- 12am to 1am is ghost hour. I have no idea why those ghosts only haunt the church, but I sure hope they won't start exploring the forest and find the village ...
- The chest contains a magic shield that disperses the seal if you try to open it.
- Have you seen the size of the gnat nest? It's taller than a wolf - of course there is going to be a lot of gnats in them! If I were level 3-5, I wouldn't go there alone. Bring a friend, and potions, and fight them together.
- On a lot of boss fights, including Vilefang, the strategy you do does matter a lot. There are some that work great - breaking all eggs, causing 30-40 spiders to spawn, and then ignoring them while they kill your healer isn't one of them. :)

Aaand you're welcome to create the dungeon you suggested. ;3 I can note you a link to the map editor and then you can go aaaall crazy with it. XD

Anyhow, thanks again for the detailed review - glad you're enjoying the scenery, items and whatnot. ^-^
v0.7: New Beginnings (FA)
Feb 12, 2011 
Im a warrior kitteh XD.
Mah friend got me on this -_-
Feb 12, 2011 
Rawr! XD
Once you get a few levels go to the East Caves - see how far down you and your friend get together. ^-^
Feb 13, 2011 
sometimes when i enter a room it puts me on the opposit side
Feb 13, 2011 
Hi Rakoon,

Is it actually putting you on the wrong side (as in, you enter a map to your right, and on the next map, your character stands on the very right) - or is it just the camera that's showing the wrong part at first?

If it happens to you again - type "/tag Bug" in the chatbox, and reply back here. Typing /tag shows me where and when this happened, so I can look into it in more detail. ^^

Mar 7, 2011 

This issue should be fixed since last week's update. For future reference, bugs get fixed a lot quicker if I don't have to encounter them myself to get the information I need. ^^

If you are still seeing this issue, post me the details I asked in my other post, and I will look into it as soon as possible.

Feb 13, 2011 
i like the game and everything but it wont load from my labtop
Feb 14, 2011 
Aww - what's happening when you try to load it from your laptop? ^^
Mar 7, 2011 

I'm closing this because I cannot reproduce your issue with the information at hand. Make sure that your Flash player is up to date, and that your outgoing connections are not firewalled.

If you are still unable to load it, post me the error message, and I will look into it as soon as possible.

Feb 13, 2011 
i loved it perfected for adventure. ^^
Codename Anymys
Feb 17, 2011 
I like how you have a lot of quests.However,I dislike how it's really hard to find red herbs.
Feb 17, 2011 
Hiya Anymys,

If you have troubles finding red herbs in the fields, try looking in the forest just east of the village (press "M" in-game to see a world map). ^-^ You'll find a looot more herbs growing there than in the field.
Codename Anymys
Feb 17, 2011 
Feb 17, 2011 
We should have wiinnngsss
Either floating on our backs or nottttt xD
Feb 17, 2011 
I'll keep that in mind for the future. ;P Maybe one of the higher level drops. XD
Feb 17, 2011 
The portal into the garden doesn't work!
Feb 17, 2011 

Stand on the portal and press your jump key. ^-^ If you want, I have a work-in-progress manual that you can check, too:
Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5
Feb 17, 2011 
Feb 18, 2011 do I get tokens?
Feb 18, 2011 
There's a bunch of ways - some of the "harder" quests you can complete will give you tokens, most notably "Treasure Hunt" (offered by Choco just outside the village), or the quests about defending the storeroom in the cafe.

Also, all mini-guardians and guardians drop tokens:
- the bigger Bluebell you may see roaming around in the east forest, near the caves,
- Zandra, inside the Gnat Burrow in the west forest,
- the Orchid Fly in the high plains,
- and, of course, all dungeon guardians.
Feb 18, 2011 
Thanks.As you can see,I reay like your game.

Say,i've got a suggestion 4 u:
On this show called Spice and Wolf,there was purity as well as coin types.A somewhat pure gold was about 40 silver of the same purity.
I was just thinking that there could be purities of coins.
Feb 18, 2011 
You're welcome - and glad you like it. ^-^ You've seen a lot of it already, the parts you're currently at are what I'm working on. The dungeons might be a bit difficult alone, so be careful. :3

There's .. some sort of purity and coin types. Right now I have small silver coins, regular silver coins, ancient silver, and gold coins - each one of them is worth more than the other. I might split the gold coins up into small gold coins, regular gold coins and ancient gold coins - but at the moment I have too many items for the handful of dungeons in-game.

The money you get from selling is always the same silver and gold though. Your character exchanges 100 silver coins for 1 gold coin automatically, so that it never needs to carry *too* much around. ^^
Feb 21, 2011 
i'm getting disconnected from servers more often. it's annoying >.>
Feb 21, 2011 
Hi Lila,

Sorry to hear you are getting disconnected. I checked the logs, and they show three disconnections, two of them client-initiated, and one of them not.

These are the ones I think might be yours:
- 21.Feb.2011 02:34:18 GMT (from the login screen)
- 21.Feb.2011 02:37:03 GMT (in the fields)
- 21.Feb.2011 02:40:06 GMT (in the village)

The second in the list was actually the server disconnecting you because it hadn't heard from your Flash client for 2+ minutes. The other disconnections, however, (at least from the server's point of view) look as if they came from you.

First of all - can you confirm those were the disconnections you saw (eastern time is six hours behind GMT)?

Second, on which one of these did you actually want to log out, and on which one did you get disconnected?

Third, when you got disconnected, did it show a message "Disconnected from server." or did it go straight back to the log in screen? Also, did you get any errors about "unhandled packets" in your chatbox before you got disconnected?

Let me know, so I can look into this further. :)
Feb 22, 2011 
well it did have the "disconnected from server message... :/
Feb 22, 2011 
Were the disconnections I listed the ones you saw? On which one of them did you actually want to log out, and on which one did you get disconnected? Did you get any errors about "unhandled packets" in your chatbox before you got disconnected?
Mar 7, 2011 

I'm closing this because I cannot reproduce your issue with the information at hand. I have not observed any higher amount of disconnections myself or on other players, so I suspect that it is an issue with your connection.

If you encounter disconnections again, feel free to repost with the information requested in my other reply, and I will look into it as soon as possible.

Feb 27, 2011 
Feb 27, 2011 
Hello :)
Mar 1, 2011 
i found a glitch, it's bad! c me online, i'm on now, plz help me!!!
Mar 1, 2011 
Sure - I'll contact you whenever I see you in game again. ^^
Mar 5, 2011 
why is it that whenever i try to talk to some one i get knocked out? thats just not right
Mar 5, 2011 
Hiya Crystalkeh,

I looked through the battle logs, and I'm not quite sure what you are referring to. ^^

You cannot talk to the caterpillars and the gnats. If you click on them, you will start attacking them - and of course they'll retaliate. Some monsters are aggressive (you can tell if you hover them with your mouse and their name is shown in red letters), and will attack as soon as they see you. Look here for more details: Manual - Monsters.

Farmer Jack and Theo are NPCs - Non-Player Characters. NPCs offer quests, let you buy and sell items, and whatnot. If you hover an NPC, it says "NPC" below their name. NPCs are usually in places where they are safe from roaming monsters. If a monster is already attacking you, it'll chase after you, and you should defeat it before talking to an NPC. You can talk to an NPC while under attack, but monsters will keep hitting you while you're doing so - thus it's not really advisable.

When you encounter other players and want to talk to them, you can always walk to a safer zone together - such as the farm, or the village, where no aggressive monsters assault you. Just saying; you didn't actually run into other players as far as I can tell (they have a distinct name tag if you hover them). All you saw were monsters and NPCs - so if you actually *talked* to them, then I'm sure they listened very patiently, but probably didn't reply back much.

Hope that helps,
Apr 27, 2011 
i am crystalkeh.... so yea i try to talk to NPCs and the gnats and/or whatever else is there usually attacks me... not so good >.<
Mar 18, 2011 
It wont let me get online now
Mar 18, 2011 
Hiya Luna,

Yeeeah, I realized that today in the morning. ;P You triggered a pretty nice bug with instancing that has been in the code for well over a year, undetected. X3

It's all fixed now, so *that* particular glitch won't ever happen again. ^-^

Thanks for letting me know!
Mar 18, 2011 
today, the US server isn't working. O.o it stops at connecting... and then it cant connect! i keep trying and trying.. but it wont work! error #2048
Mar 18, 2011 
Hi Lila,

I had a bug in the server code that caused it to crash. Sorry about that - it's all fixed now, sooo that's one less glitch to worry about. ^-^

Mar 21, 2011 
Hey, I love the game =3
But theres one problem I just encountered... I log on today and it seems my pet Bluebell has been reset back to level 1. Is that suppose to happen?
Mar 23, 2011 
Hi Fluffeh,

Glad you like the game. ^-^ Your Bluebell being level 1 again is a glitch - the server is rather lazy with saving your pet's progress, so when it crashed earlier, it "forgot" about the level it reached. Sorry about that! It shouldn't happen too often, since crashes *should* be a rare occurrence - but if *does* happen again, let me know and I'll make the server save the progress of pets' regularly, just like with players. ^^
Mar 22, 2011 
I love this game it is so fun!!!!!!
- eugene vang A.K.A shy209
Mar 23, 2011 
Aww, glad to hear you like it! ^-^
Mar 23, 2011 
Tobias, sometimes the US version isnt working D: the EU one is working all the time though, do you know whats wrong with the US version? when i login it says ERROR
Mar 23, 2011 
Hi Rakoon,

The US version should be working all fine. If you have a slow connection when you first try to connect (read: takes 3 seconds or more), Flash will time out getting the cross-domain policy file and not actually try connecting to the cross-domain policy server again.

I changed the code so that the main server covers for Flash messing up now - so it should work more reliably from this point on. "Love" those many Flash workarounds. ^^;

Anyhow - I'm closing this as the issue should be fixe-...worked around. If the problem reoccurs, feel free to let me know, including the error number and what time you tried to connect.
Mar 23, 2011 
Hello; I'm Lone. I would like to be transfered the the US Server, please. :3
Mar 23, 2011 
No problem - you should be all set. Let me know if I missed anything. :3

Apr 2, 2011 
hi toby,
one of my friends (lunakeh) was in the zombie dungeon. she got knocked out, but there was no return to town button. instead, it said you have died (permanatly) start a new character. what does this mean???
Apr 2, 2011 
April fools'. ;P Just click the button, it respawns you as usual. ^^
Apr 2, 2011 
Hey I found a bug... Message me when I'm on. - 4/1/1
Apr 21, 2011 
I love icyworlds so much! Toby, you've done an amazing job!X3
Apr 26, 2011 
Thank you! ~^^~
Apr 23, 2011 
why are you make anemies very stronger?
Apr 23, 2011 

A level 10 monster is stronger than a level 1 monster, just like you gain more health, stats and abilities when you level up.

I skimmed the battle logs, and it looks like you used a lot of melee attacks on your mage.
- Try using your magic skills more - they deal a lot more damage.
- You might want to focus your skill points on a magic skill or two, instead of spreading them all out. Fire Bolt 3 is much stronger than having your points spread out in Fire Bolt 1, Icicle 1, Fire Ball 1.
- Try getting Mana Shield and Harvest Mana. These are key skills for levelling alone.
- Team up with a friend, you are a lot stronger in a group, and then you even get away with spreading out all your skill points. ;3
- Try spending your stat points in Intellect instead of Strength. You generally don't want to melee much on a magician. (You can reset skills and stats at Erik, in the village.)

Of course, in case you prefer playing melee, you can also just roll a warrior. ;P

Hope that helps!
Apr 26, 2011 
Hey the connection is not so good. It says it cant connect. Are you fixing the game or is it my computer?
Apr 26, 2011 
Hi Lunakeh,

That was my fault, sorry about that. I had a glitch in the code which crashed the server, and the auto-restart script didn't work (even though I could swear I tested that the last time). X.x;

Anyhow, it's all fixed now (and shouldn't happen again)! Thanks for letting me know. ^-^

Apr 29, 2011 
Apr 29, 2011 
Hi! ^-^
Apr 29, 2011 
i love this game.
Apr 29, 2011 
Thank you ^-^

(By the way, use your skill points to get new abilities! Click on your skill book in the bottom left, and then on the second tab to see what abilities you can get. ^^)
Apr 29, 2011 
magician has no bio or anything. tis blank
Apr 29, 2011 
Yeeeah, I know. ;_; Thanks for letting me know though - I'll put that on my To-Do list. ^-^
Apr 29, 2011 
Apr 29, 2011 
Nooot really. ;P No hedgehogs in that one, sorry! (even though I did love the SatAM series :3)
Apr 30, 2011 
i cant attach claws to my gloves it says it cant be equipped and also i lost my moon necklace!
Apr 30, 2011 
If you got sharp claws from Fliffys or the Large Gnat Sting from Zandra, just double click them and it should attach them to your glove. ^-^

The bear claws you might get from Choco's quest don't work, they aren't sharp enough. :3

The moon necklace can't be traded - you have to get it from the blue tokens that you can obtain from the slightly harder quests and mini-bosses. ^^

Hope that helps!
Apr 30, 2011 
i think you should be able to be in two groups i cant choose between them because my friends are in 2 diff groups
Apr 30, 2011 
Hiya! ^-^

Just start a new group, and invite all your friends to it. ;P

Groups are something very temporary. If you do logout, you automatically leave whichever group you are in. Even more, during a reboot, the server actually deletes all existing groups. It makes almost no attempts to preserve them.

I do have something planned that will be a little more persistent, but at the moment, groups are really just a quick way to get together for dungeons and whatnot. Treat them like that! :3

Hope that helps,
Apr 30, 2011 
i dont want to have to start a new character if i die from monsters! i saw your da journal . whai toby whaii?
Apr 30, 2011 
That was April Fools! ;P
Apr 30, 2011 
i like the dark background better it really makes the login screen awesomer
Apr 30, 2011 
It's easier on the eyes, too! ;P

For playing the game, I think I prefer the version without comments, since then you can use your scroll wheel without having to worry about the entire page scrolling with it. :3
May 6, 2011 
it wont connect!!!!!!!!
May 6, 2011 
I think I may have been updating during the time you wrote this. Does it connect now? :3
May 14, 2011 
The game is cute, and fun as well. But one thing I think would work is that when your chatting, that you can just press the enter button if your done chatting instead of having to click on something else. That's all I can think of for now.
May 15, 2011 
Aww, thanks - glad you like it. ^-^ And that should already work just fine: When you are done chatting, just press your "Escape" key. To chat again later, press "Enter", which will get you back to the chat box once more.
May 15, 2011 
Thanks for the tip Tobias! and I got an idea: to add a sound for when you jump of fall. like a soft thud. I'm not sure if you already put one in but i didn't hear it. Anywho, when deleting a character the one day delay is if you want to reconsider right?
May 15, 2011 

I'll definitely consider that. ^-^ I spend a lot time finding the right sounds, so a lot of abilities and actions don't have a sound yet - but I'll get there, one sound at a time. :3

The one day delay is mostly to make it more difficult to delete someone else's characters without them knowing. In addition, if someone creates characters to wreck havoc, players have amble time to report them, even if someone tries to delete them right away. :3 And yup, if you want to reconsider - you can always remove the deletion flag yourself, as well. ^-^
May 17, 2011 
cool. nice way to keep a troll from saying it wasn't me! LAWL XP
May 18, 2011 
In a way, yes. ;P I can still deal with a report when the character was deleted, but to actually file one (using the /report command, at least), the character still needs to be there. :3
May 15, 2011 
May 15, 2011 
Refresh the page (Ctrl+F5) - this error means you run an old version of the game client. ^-^
May 24, 2011 
My page wont load

May 25, 2011 

You are using an outdated game client. Try hard-refreshing the page (as the message you get tells you), and if that doesn't help, you probably need to clear your browser's cache. ^^

Jun 20, 2011 

WONT LET ME LOG im sad...
Jun 21, 2011 

Like the message says, you need to refresh the page because you are still using an outdated client:

You need to update your game client to the newest version to play the game. To do that, just hard-refresh the page (click anywhere outside the game and press either Ctrl+F5, or Ctrl+R, or click on the reload icon of your browser). If you still see this error, you may need to clear your browser's cache.

Pressing F5 should very very likely do the trick. ;P
Sep 10, 2011 
May 16, 2011 
oh yeah! i remembered that when i was going west of the church i got attacked by the ice demon. is that normal cause he is supposed to be in the mines.
May 17, 2011 

Yup, Zhaakan is usually in the deep mines, with the water spirits. Every now and then, he may actually stroll around in the forest - however for him to attack you, you need to like .. almost run into him. :3
May 17, 2011 
Well, that's helpful. thanks Toby. but i think you might want to put a level limit of 5 so that unless the player is five levels under it, they dont have to deal with it.
May 16, 2011 
i forgot, in the village, where choco is sitting next to, maybe you could turn it into a bank!
May 17, 2011 
Hiya ^-^

Weeell, that's something that could be done in the future. ^^ Adding guilds was quite a bit of work, now I feel like I should be working on maps again. :3

May 17, 2011 
yeah, you probably should. there are also some empty path's which lead to nowhere or a fall, like a plummet. Maybe after dealing with the bank you could expand. though the game is still sweet.
May 18, 2011 
The "empty paths" are there on purpose - just so the environment has an effect on you as well. ;P You have to be careful when you cross broken bridges, or climb up a high tree. ;P

The game itself would not let you fall out from a map by default - all the pits that you find, I explicitly put there. Kind of like you'll have bottomless pits in Mario and other games. ;P
May 18, 2011 
hey toby, what is error #2048?
May 18, 2011 
It's a Flash error, mostly. ;P If your connection isn't fast enough for Flash to check and download the policy file, it'll error out and that's that.

Just reload the page, and it should be fine. ^^
May 20, 2011 
What is error #2048?
May 20, 2011 
It's a Flash error, mostly. ;P If your connection isn't fast enough for Flash to check and download the policy file, it'll error out and that's that.

Just reload the page, and it should be fine. ^^
May 20, 2011 
GLITCH! here, as said in the chat. : i got killed, yet i walked into the portal. the last damage hit me on the otherside, but i didn't die, and now i
[Main] Kitson: 1: cant jump up or down
[Main] Kitson: 2: cant attack
[Main] Kitson: and 3, i can't go anywhere
what was that? and dazz said that you said that you thought you fixed that. oops i guess...
May 20, 2011 
Yeah, I thought I fixed that. ;P I didn't test it though, because it's rather difficult to set up (I need to make it that I die on purpose during the time to make the switch). I'll have to go over that again. ;P

Could you tell me, roughly, the time this happened?
May 20, 2011 
uh...ask dazz. she tried to use a portalscroll to get me into saliko. but i think it was what, 6-10? probably 7-8? i dunno, sorry. ohwell.
May 21, 2011 
I'd say around 7-9 :3
It was a respawn request, not a warp scroll.
May 21, 2011 
Oh, that works much better. Respawn requests are logged, so I have the exact time this happened (May 20 2011, 1:49 GMT if you want to be exact).

Thanks - I'll look into this in a bit. :3
May 21, 2011 
oh, ok. thanks.
May 27, 2011 

While I was fixing the bug Kitson reported, I also looked into your respawn command - it now works even when someone is knocked out, and on top of that it automatically revives them during the respawn process. :3

May 27, 2011 

I finally got around to looking into this bug, and it's all fixed and tested (for real, now).

Thank you for letting me know - much appreciated. ^-^

May 27, 2011 
no prob! uh... what bug again? XD ok, I'm serious, what bug was that?
May 28, 2011 
This one:

- Getting knocked out while changing maps still did not result in a proper notification to the client. This has been fixed (for real). (Reported by Kitson)

You can always look at the change log, in which I post most of the minor and major things I've changed. :3
May 21, 2011 
mine keeps saying disconnected from server why and how do i get back on
May 21, 2011 
Hi Megan,

Server glitch - it should work once again, and the bug that caused it is fixed. :3
The only way you get back on is me restarting the server manually. I might delegate to someone so people can do that while I am asleep - we'll see.

Anyhow, works again - sorry ^^
Jun 10, 2011 
maybe when you level up you should get a prize like a gold or something u could wear like the flower hairclip
Jun 10, 2011 

Well, you're getting prizes - I give you more health points, more stat points, more skill points - and you can use all those to get the items that you want. ^-^

Fighting Cladt at level 15 is a lot easier than at level 8, isn't it? :3
Jun 11, 2011 
Hey toby, random bug, and a pretty funny one too! i warped into the area east of kate, and i saw a fliffy sliding across the snow. how random is that? XD (snowplains i think)
Jun 21, 2011 
Fliffies are just crazy at times! ;P
Jun 21, 2011 
Jun 15, 2011 
Hey toby, aren't we supposed o be unable to enter Elyssia?
Jun 15, 2011 
What maps should you not be able to enter?
Jun 16, 2011 
The whole thing, since it is supposed to be for the developer isn't it?
Jun 16, 2011 
Oh, you're talking about the server. It shouldn't let you enter, but it's a soft-limit, not really enforced. However, I reboot the EU server without warning, and sometimes several times within 10 minutes - so sneaking past would be "rewarded" with an appropriately rough play experience. :3
Jun 16, 2011 
Oh, OK. At least that's not gonna be bothering me again. Thanks for letting me know. And I'm sure it would.
Jun 29, 2011 
Hey Toby, i was thinking. How about adding some Metal based monsters? You know, since we have energy clouds and zombies, why not add a few more creeps? ^^
Jun 30, 2011 

Animating monsters takes considerable time and effort, so I only add in new monster types as I need them. If I had folks providing me with good enough quality animations that I can add in while I'm working on things, then sure, I'd do all that jazz - but that is simply not the case.

Jun 30, 2011 
oh, ohwell.
Jun 30, 2011 
Hello Toby,
Dove and I have a new friend named BooBoo, but we can only see her in the Peachleaf Cafe o-o Is this a bug?
Jun 30, 2011 
Hiya Bramble,

I'll look into that in a moment and send you an in-game mail. ^^

Jun 30, 2011 
I click on the Magician button (while making a new char) and it doesn't give a description. That a new or old bug?
Jun 30, 2011 

Not a bug, and well known. I simply didn't get back to it yet.

Jun 30, 2011 
oh, ok then.
Jul 3, 2011 
Luv the game! YAA!! You Are Awesome!
Jul 7, 2011 
Uh toby, today, 7/7/2011, around 3:42 pm, adobe player thingy crashed. was it because of the update?
Jul 8, 2011 
Hiya Kitson,
If Adobe Player crashed (like, you get a "This plugin has crashed" message), that's not because of the update - that's Adobe's fault. Adobe Player doesn't seem to be the most rock stable thing in the world; I noticed that it doesn't like right clicks for some reason (which is why I made it so you can Ctrl+Click instead), so that might be it? You might be able to file a report to Adobe, but my last bug report to them was closed as "Retired" three years after I filed it (still not fixed) - so probably not worth your while.

If you're referring to the "Unhandled Packet" error - that was my fault. I must have messed something up and reverted my changes around midnight GMT, so reloading will give you the game client without that bug again.

Jul 13, 2011 

Told me to refresh, so I did. Still got the message ;_;
Jul 13, 2011 

This basically means you're running an old client. - if you still get that error, you might need to clear your cache. ;P

Jul 28, 2011 
Hey you said that suggestions are ok right so can there be a Boss that is a Wolf Hound, if you don't know what a wolf hould is- large breed of dog breed to chase and kill wolves to protect live stock. I i thought is was a neat little idea any way seeya!
Aug 1, 2011 
Hmm, sounds like a good idea. X3 - I could actually make it so that you have to protect livestock (such as Fliffies!), but I'd have to see where I fit it in. Saliko (where it'd most likely fit) is pretty full with quests by now. XD
Jul 28, 2011 
I love this game, and thank you veary much for makeing it!
Aug 1, 2011 
You're welcome! ^-^
Jul 28, 2011 
Always wonder how we find the gems and if we do what happens?
Aug 1, 2011 
Hi Stormy,
Gems will be added in a bit - there's a bunch of things that are scheduled before that (such as a new dungeon), so don't hold your breath!
Jul 31, 2011 
i just wanted to say that i love akia, and shes so cute! ^^ i couldnt have come up with something that cute, ever. the artwork and precise detail of this game amaze me, and to think how long it took! QAQ
Aug 22, 2011 
I got this Error Message P200B199-0.95 Can you help?
Aug 22, 2011 
Yup - that means you still have the old game client in your cache. Reload the page by pressing F5 (or Ctrl+F5, or Ctrl+R) - if that doesn't help, you need to clear your cache. :3
Aug 22, 2011 
my cat is kinda pretty and at lvl 8 best part was i saved a bunny :D and gave it back to a girl :D
Aug 24, 2011 
Aww, yay! Congratulations on getting to level 8!!
What kind of things did you dress it up with, so far? Did you find the Gnat Burrow yet?
Aug 30, 2011 
You should make a downloadable version!
Aug 30, 2011 
Hi Jessie!

There is a downloadable version for Windows that's currently being tested. In case you're interested to give it a try, you can download it from the beta site: [Link]. ^-^

Hope this helps!
Oct 7, 2011 
Could you make it so you could dye your equips, toby?
Oct 7, 2011 

I do not have any plans for that feature in the near future, as I do not believe it adds to the value of game-play.

Goldy from NyanLand
Oct 23, 2011 
Huzzah! C8
You should summon frigus at GvG. He'd make up for only having 2 players on our team. xD
Oct 29, 2011 
I don't summon high-tier dungeon bosses, especially if their key mechanics (geysers and the cave, for Frigus) would not trigger.
If you are short of players on your team, it automatically buffs your health and attack to make up for it. :3
Nov 2, 2011 
Dude tobi.

I keep getting an error when logging in :/ Error 2031.
Nov 3, 2011 
Hi Markus!

That is usually a problem with Flash being dumb. ;_; What you have to do is close your browser (or the standalone game client) entirely, and re-open it. This should fix it.
Nov 7, 2011 
Awesome game, but I can't figure out how to set an email or password for my existing account...
Nov 7, 2011 

Right now you have to log all the way into the game, then click "Logout" and "Switch Char". You'll see a new menu which lets you change your password.

Not very intuitive right now, but I'll make it easier eventually. ^^
Nov 13, 2011 
Okay, thank you! :)
Bramble's Dad
Dec 8, 2011 
Dec 8, 2011 
jsakdlasdjaksldj? ;P
a pay
Dec 11, 2011 
it is not loading.
Dec 14, 2011 
Details? ;3 It was working for everyone else, so I can't help you more without more information about what exactly wasn't loading, and what exactly happened. ;P
Dec 13, 2011 
Where do you find the leather shoe??
Dec 14, 2011 
You can get leather gloves from the major, or Fliffies. You'll wear them on your front paws, as the back paws are for anklets and whatnot.
Dec 16, 2011 
Dec 18, 2011 
Hi! ;P
Dec 23, 2011 
cant connect and stay connected!
Dec 23, 2011 
That's a problem with your connection, seeing everyone else was able to stay connected. Play over a wired connection, move closer to the router, or call your Internet service. The TCP stack logged several retransmissions, so you have a lossy connection.

Unless you mean the disconnection at 01:45 am GMT, that was the result of me suspending your account for calling someone names when they dared to ask you to limit your spamming - after you spammed so much in public chat earlier that a passing moderator flagged your account.
Dec 28, 2011 
Hi!! :3
Dec 28, 2011 
Hi Teli! XD
Jan 15, 2012 
The site froze, so I refreshed everything. When I tried to log back in, it showed: Unable to connect to server. Error #2048. Is it just my internet or did something happen?
Jan 15, 2012 
Hi Mela,

The server froze earlier, so - sorry about that! I took the opportunity to fix the watch-dog script that was supposed to reboot the server in that case, so it shouldn't be happening again.
In addition, I also fixed the glitch that was causing the freeze - so that's like two birds with one stone!
Jan 15, 2012 
It stops loading at handshaking why?
Jan 15, 2012 
Hi Willy,

The server had a glitch that caused it to freeze - I fixed it, so it won't be happening again.
Sorry about that!
Cathy Zawicki
Jan 17, 2012 
Everytime I make a login name it says it has been taken, which can't be possible since I have tried every name I have ever used...something is wrong! Plz help! I want to play this game! :3
Jan 18, 2012 
Hi Cathy,

You're right, that was a glitch in the server's code. I will put a hotfix up in about 30 minutes.

In the meantime, if you put any password in, it *will* work. The glitch only happens if you don't use a password.

Sorry about that, and thanks for letting me know!

Evolia Marie Wulf
Feb 8, 2012 
"So far when I've played this game I've experianced a fairly decent amount of everything. Graphics are good for a PC free game, the NCP's have acceptional quests, and enemies are neither too hard or too easy.
"So it's a moderate. And also fairly addicting! Keep going!
"My only complant is how slow moving the character is. If only there was a way to actually run time to time. Maybe you should add a stamina bar or something?"
Feb 10, 2012 
Hi Evolia,

Glad you enjoyed what you saw so far in the game. ^-^ Yeah, you should find quite a few quests from the various NPCs that you can play through if you (and possibly a friend of yours - the game's made to be played together with someone else!) feel like it.

And yup, I know what you mean - though, it's a tough call how much to speed up your character. Keep in mind, there are a few ways to increase your speed - priests can use spells on you (Blessing of Speed lasts half an hour), you can eat sugar-y food to get hyper (lasts 15 minutes) - if you combine both, you'll be running very quickly.

I like your idea of the stamina bar, though (which could deplete over time, and when you get hit), and I'll definitely think about it. ^-^
dj candy 9
Feb 12, 2012 
y did you keep on puting dissconnected from server
Feb 12, 2012 
Because it's short and to the point. I'll change the message to "Hello how are you.", how about that? :3
Feb 18, 2012 
Natalie (charicter:RockyBlue)
Tobias i love the wedsite it's so awsome.But could you make more levls becasue the levls are only to levl 28 pls??????
Feb 19, 2012 
Hello Natalie,
I add new levels when I have enough content to support them. Seeing your highest levelled character is level 14, with 64 (out of 230, at the moment) quests completed, I would say that there is plenty that you can do before even having to worry that there are too few levels.
Mar 15, 2012 
Hi Tobias I was wondering if you can make more levls mabe to levl 100 plz.
Mar 15, 2012 
Why stop at 100? Why not 10000000000 levels?
Feb 25, 2012 
Awesome game so far o3o Loving it so much!!
Feb 25, 2012 
Glad you like it!
Nyssa Swagger
Mar 31, 2012 
Error #2124
Mar 31, 2012 
More details please? If it's an error printed in the chatbox, it tells you what file failed to load. :)
Apr 2, 2012 
is it okay if i make a fan fiction of this game?

this game is just too awesome not to do that. and i got ideas from it
Apr 2, 2012 
Hi Orion,

Sure, you can do pretty much whatever. ;P Enjoy and have fun!

Corey Blue Wolf
Apr 2, 2012 
Have you thought about adding a storage/bank for extra itmes that a player want but can't carry or use at the time?
Apr 2, 2012 
Hi Corey,

You can get an extra storage of up to 100 items by talking to Andy in Ashaya Village - plenty of room to store anything you don't want to carry with you all the time!

Apr 2, 2012 
how? do we have to be a certain lvl?
Apr 3, 2012 
You have to have completed the quests that grant you entrance to Ashaya Village, otherwise none of the NPC would talk to you, even if someone summoned you inside the village.

So technically, you do have to be around level 18-20, but after that it's just a matter of talking to Andy and paying him 15 gold.
Apr 4, 2012 
i cant join main, what's wron with that?
Apr 4, 2012 
You have received a 12 hour suspension from #Main for repeatedly spamming caps after being told to stop multiple times, to both of which you replied "kk". If you think you can troll me by spamming caps just minutes later, you should not be surprised to get removed from that channel.

Be aware that, just like the written warning that you received states, future ToS infractions will result in more severe actions than just a temporary suspension from a chat channel.
May 5, 2012 
i created an account for my little brother (catzilla 22) and you banned it for what i did. i had no intention of using it to bypass my ban from main, and it was solely for my little brother, and i would appreciate if you lift the ban on his account
~i swear this on my grandfather's grave

please *my little bro's cute face*
May 5, 2012 

You are responsible for your accounts - if you are suspended, either from #Main, or completely, you are not allowed to bypass it, whether the account you use to bypass it is for you or for someone else.

Please heed the ToS. <.< You have gotten a ton of warnings before I suspended you from #Main. Don't troll me by going right into #Main again on a new account.
May 5, 2012 
that was my little brother...

and okay, im cool
May 23, 2012 
Yes, it's always the little brother or the dog.
(Game name) FullmetalRatchet
Apr 8, 2012 
I've encountered a recent problem....
ever since about 2 days ago, I have been unable to log into my account or player, and every time I tried to log in, i get a mini-message:
Connection Error
Unable to connect to server.
Error #2048
I am wondering what I should and or can do.
Apr 8, 2012 

Sorry to hear about your connection troubles - usually this error means that Flash isn't able to contact the game server. Can you try accessing this [Link], and see if you get a bunch of code, or an error message?

In addition, did you install any new software since? I see a "X-McProxyFilter" in your browser's headers - so maybe McAfee is interfering with the connection? Did you change anything with it?

You can also try downloading the Windows Standalone Client, which runs directly on your computer, and doesn't need to contact the Flash Policy Server anymore (which is what's causing this error message).

Let me know what happened!

Apr 18, 2012 
I love the game and it's really cute! :3

I have an idea-
What if when you kill the fliffies you get Blessing of Speed for 10 secs. since they are always using it, but it can't overlap and you can only get the speed once every minute?
May 23, 2012 
It'd be a nice little effect. I'd have to think about it. ;3

If you play monster hunt with someone, that one has a monster that you can kill for a short speed boost.
May 6, 2012 
P384B383-0.96, can ya help?
May 6, 2012 

Like the message says, you need to refresh the page because you are still using an outdated client:

You need to update your game client to the newest version to play the game. To do that, just hard-refresh the page (click anywhere outside the game and press either Ctrl+F5, or Ctrl+R, or click on the reload icon of your browser). If you still see this error, you may need to clear your browser's cache.

Pressing F5 should very very likely do the trick. ;P
Holly(Character: Lily Luna)
May 18, 2012 
Is there a way to restart a quest you missed the time limit for?
By the way, this game is awesome!
May 18, 2012 
Of course! Just go to whoever gave you the quest, and you can pick it right up again. :3

If quests expire, it's as if you abandoned yourself. So if you're off to a bad start, you can also abandon them yourself (Game -> Quest -> click the quest -> Abandon) and restart it right away. ^-^

Hope that helped!
Lily Luna
May 22, 2012 
That does help, thanks.

Most of the things in the game are fantastic, by the way. Although, I can't figure out how to get a pet. Is there a level requirement or something?

I really liked the Invisibility skill for the Mage.
May 22, 2012 

There's no real level requirement per se - you get pets from quests, items and trophies. The easiest pet to get is a Baby Bluebell - for that, just complete all the quests at Theo's farm (don't forget returning the lost baby bluebell in the far east of the forest!).

If you see Lint in Saliko forest, it can drop a huge carrot, which lets you pick any Fliffy as a pet - so if you do find Lint, it's a good idea to fight it. ;3

Some quests and trophies have level requirements (for example, you can get a dungeon trophy that will award you a spider hatchling, and the dungeon itself has a minimum level requirement) - but there is no direct restriction. As soon as you can get the quest, or the item, or the trophy, you can get the pet.

Glad you like the invisibility skill! Mages have a lot of very neat abilities!
Anonymous Author
May 23, 2012 
Thanks! I'm gonna try for completing all the quests in the game at some point, so hopefully it'll help me get a pet. For now I'm going to look for that Lint...
May 23, 2012 
You will. ^-^ If you complete the beginner quests near Theo's farm though, you'll get your first pet very soon. ;P
Lily Luna
Jun 1, 2012 
I can't figure out how to start the quest for it, though... I've tried everything I know, and nothing is helping em figure it out.
Lily Luna
Jun 2, 2012 
I need help! Every time I change areas, the screen freezes and I have to log in again! What do i do? Nothing else is wrong...
Finni <<<(Player Name)
Jun 2, 2012 
This gameis so cute and I love the little fliffys. The music is pretty and I love to play the game with my headphones on and the sound on high. I have one questions though. How can I get to the patio in the Cafe? I saw a sign next to Janette(I think that was her name) and I don't know if i have to unlock it at a certain level or if i have to go in somewhere else.
Jun 4, 2012 
Hi Finni,

Thank you - glad to hear you're enjoying your time on the game! You can't get up to the patio just yet, alas - there are a couple of spots and places in the game that haven't been drawn, and the patio is one of them. ;_; I'll get to it eventually, and once I do, you'll be able to go up right away. ^^

Jun 12, 2012 
hai toby when i click the fourm button when i go there now it only says hi........
Jun 13, 2012 
Fixed - thanks!

Jun 17, 2012 
Is the standalone client still available?
Jun 17, 2012 
It should be. I'm using the standalone client like every day. ;P

Oh, wait. The setup file. I'll upload it. Thanks!
Nyssa Swagger
Jul 27, 2012 
Hey, I'm having problems getting on. First I was disconnected, and when I tried logging back in it said: Unable to connect to server. Error #2031. If you could fix this problem I'd really appreciate it.. Thank you.
Jul 27, 2012 

You should be able to connect again - there was a temporary glitch that has since been fixed.
Aug 14, 2012 
Hi! I just wanted to say that this game is awesome!! :D The quests are entertaining, but you don't have to wander all over creation or perform ridiculous feats to accomplish them (at least, not at first ;) ). I also love the aspect that you can meet other players, and everyone I have met in the community has been extremely kind and helpful. The creatures, scenery and items are all fun and imaginative. (I can't comment on the sound unfortunately, because I've been playing with the sound on my computer off.) Thank you so much for creating and maintaining such an awesome game and community!!! :D

I do have one question I'd like to ask. This happened several days ago, so I'm not sure if you can still answer this or not. I was going to go with Shia (level 4) into the Gnat's Burrow. I had gone through the dungeon by myself a few minutes before, but I thought it may have already resetted. We joined a group together, killed the guard gnats and went into the dungeon. The normal dungeon text showed up in the left corner of the playing screen, and there was no reset information shown in the chat box. Even so, neither I nor Shia could see any gnats inside. I thought that, even though there was no message, it might still be resetting, so we left the dungeon and went to the town. Pike told me how to type /dungeon in the chat box, and when I did it did not show that I was connected to any dungeons. it had been ample time since I went in earlier, and I thought that surely it would be reset by now, so we went back. There were still no gnats in the dungeon. We went out of the dungeon, and I left the group. Shia (by then level 5) went into the dungeon to see if it would work if she was by herself, and she said there still wasn't anything. Do you know what may have caused this scenario?
Aug 14, 2012 

Glad you enjoy the game (and its quests!) so far. I try to keep them interesting and unique, so they shouldn't ever be too grindy. They get slightly more challenging as you know the basics and move to higher levels, but never ridiculously difficult. Of course, you can always take someone else with you, which makes braving them ever so much easier. ;P

As for your question - the gnat burrow is slightly different to other dungeons, because it doesn't have any actual bosses (Zandra, while more difficult than the other monsters in the dungeon, isn't really a boss).

When you defeat a boss, your progress in the dungeon is saved (it'll give you a message when this happens), and the boss that you defeated (together with most monsters that lead up to it) no longer respawns until the dungeon hard-resets (which happens after 20-40 hours, depending on the dungeon). Only dungeons for which you have saved progress show up in the "/dungeons" list.

Since the gnat burrow doesn't have any bosses like that, hard-resets do not exist, and everything will be back once it soft-resets. Soft-resets happen if no one from your group has been in the dungeon for 30-40 minutes. During a soft-reset, all regular monsters respawn. The person who started the group can also type "/reset", which will immediately soft-reset all their dungeons (you need to leave the dungeon for that).

So, that's all the magic behind it. If you make a group, all group members are given the same instance as the person making the group, if possible. Since you started the group, Shia was put into your instance. While you left your group, Shia was still in it, and since you made the group, she continued to get your instance. If you want a fresh instance next time, just do anything from the list below - each gives you a new instance (you only need to do one of them):
- Make whoever started the group type "/reset", or
- make everyone from the group leave the instance for at least 40 minutes, or
- everyone leaves the group, and a different person starts the group, or
- leave the group, enter the dungeon (this gives you a fresh instance), and invite the remaining group members.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you're still confused about this. ^-^
Aug 15, 2012 
Okay, that clears verything up. Thanks so much!! :)
Aug 15, 2012 
No problem! Glad to help ^-^
a pay
Aug 21, 2012 
love this game ever
Aug 22, 2012 
I have no comments for this :3
Nyssa Swagger
Sep 10, 2012 
Hey, I'm having a problem logging in.. It keeps saying "Switching" and it just stays that way... I hope there's something you could do to get me back online.
Sep 11, 2012 

GoDaddy had a four-hour long outage on their services, causing all name resolution to fail.
I learned my lesson and put the DNS servers of another company in there too now, so if GoDaddy fails, the other DNS servers should still work.

You'd think that two separate servers are enough, but if they're from the same company ..
Sep 15, 2012 
The standalone client either corrupts itself after running, after updating, or after being used. Usually, it deletes itself as well. I've reinstalled a few times, and it keeps disappearing. Is there a way to fix this?
Sep 15, 2012 
Give me more details - "corrupts itself" could mean anything. I need the exact error messages you are receiving.

I use the game client daily, and haven't noticed anything strange ("works for me"). The standalone client's code has been unchanged for half a year, too. See this page about how to report potential bugs so they can be fixed. :3
Sep 15, 2012 
Usually, I install it, then run it. After running, it updates, and -usually- runs the game. After closing, however, the next time I go to run it, it gives me an almost-empty command prompt. After closing, it deletes itself, or, if no command prompt, then it just deletes itself. I'm using the #E environment for windows, though, could that affect it?
Sep 15, 2012 
That helps somewhat. I uploaded a new game client, can you redownload it from here and see if it works?
Sep 16, 2012 
Okay, I'll do that.
Sep 16, 2012 
Well,it's working now, but I'm not using my #E,so that may change the outcome.
Sep 16, 2012 
You can use your #E shell, it should work regardless. :3
Oct 8, 2012 
i keep getting into glitches
Oct 8, 2012 
What kind of glitches? Any details?
Oct 28, 2012 
mt loko,parabens para quem criou o jogo!
a pay
Nov 5, 2012 
I love this game
Nov 17, 2012 
i am lagging a lot, makes me die more often. might be my internet but if you could look into it, it would help Thx
Nov 18, 2012 

I checked your connection stats, and you seem to have packet loss and with that, a really high delay.

Once you're online, lemme know, and I'll check into it more, but generally, here are a few recommendations:

- It looks like you're on wireless. Can you connect directly to your modem, by cable? This will likely get rid of your lag immediately. If you can't do that, try moving a bit closer to it.
- Make sure no one else in your house is downloading huge files or videos while you play. Downloading congests the already scarce bandwidth you have with your wireless connection, making things very unresponsive.

Nov 18, 2012 
i really luv this game.
Nov 22, 2012 
I have an idea for the Switzerland castle battles. you know how you have to be lvl 28-32 to join. well i think there should be another battle that could go on at the same time (or maybe different) that would be like lvl 10-25 so people who are not as high lvl can still enjoy that part of the game
Nov 22, 2012 
I wouldn't possibly battle Switzerland, they make good chocolate and whatnot.

Schwatzwald battle already works with different level brackets (since well over a year), however there were insufficient people in your level bracket queued to start the battle. Bring and level with your friends, or level to catch up? ;P
Nov 26, 2012 
didn't realize i spelled it wrong sry lol
Bots (Naturally)
Nov 28, 2012 
xD nice wisecrack, Toby ;P
Nov 26, 2012 
Hey, Toby!

Just a minor glitch or such :P Don't know.
It says, whenever I load the page, switching. It stays there FOREVER. I wan't to get on for TvT but I don't know if that is possible. Is it because the server is down?
Nov 26, 2012 
The server is up, I have firewalled your IP address until you stop trying each other's passwords.

You will not be able to come on for TvT because the block lasts beyond TvT.
Nov 26, 2012 
Cleo is my own account. The only other accounts I try to do are Mario's :P
Nov 27, 2012 
You'll have to send me a detailed list, listing what accounts you have, and what accounts others have, and how many people are using accounts in your household.

I'll give you detailed instructions tomorrow.
Nov 27, 2012 
My Accounts
<removed for privacy>

P.S. I don't understand the second Question :P
Post edited by Tobias at 28.11.2012 2:49
Nov 28, 2012 
My second question was how many other people are in your household that are using accounts to play? 2, 3? And which accounts does each of them use? :)
Bots (Naturally)
Nov 28, 2012 
<removed for privacy>
If ur counting them,3 ;P
Post edited by Tobias at 28.11.2012 3:16
Bots (Naturally)
Nov 28, 2012 
Ok, But What server Am I in? Whenevr I log on, no one is on on my friends list ;P
Bots (Naturally)
Nov 28, 2012 
It says: Account Frozen xD
I recovered my account, but sent E-mail through <removed for privacy>. I have 2 E-mails.
<removed for privacy>
Either way, I am the same person xD
Sorry If I Confused You :P

Thanks!! ^^

P.S. Your Game Is So Cute!!!!!
Post edited by Tobias at 28.11.2012 3:16
Nov 27, 2012 
For how long?

Nov 27, 2012 
At least until tomorrow,

I do not trust you enough to let you on without me being there, so you are to wait.
Dec 4, 2012 
Hi toby i made a new acount remembew me?Tusimia?My persons new name is krosh.I like your Game.

Dec 9, 2012 
Oh, you mean ..

The Game?

Mar 5, 2013 
I AM BACK BABY! So yeah my game had a lag attack so i wasnt on for a LONG TIME. But now am back! Turns out my computer was eaten up by cokroaches they chew on my wires and mess it up! So i gotz a new laptop Woo!
Mar 5, 2013 
Oh and about tat am going to make a new acount. So tusimia is NO MORE... I SHAL BE TUSS tusimia was a tad too long anyway XD
Mar 23, 2013 
par of m keoard do work so i have o use a o scree keoard. Ad our game wo load for me.
Mar 24, 2013 
Value the time that you have in your life enough to buy a new keyboard for $9. You might even get used ones from schools and companies on eBay. If you can't replace it, because you are on a laptop, you might want to think about re-functioning it as a desktop (with attached screen and keyboard).

If the game doesn't load, make sure that you have Adobe Flash player installed, and try the version on the official site, which has a preloader and the like. :3
May 20, 2013 
Your game is awesome!
Oct 17, 2013 
I used to play this a longtime ago. I love to see what you did with it!
May 28, 2016 
This game is sooo cool!
Some people say that this game has it's own website now. Where is it?
Nov 20, 2020 ^-^
Oct 3, 2019 
Feb 28, 2020 
Wow, this game really does have some history, the time I'm writing this is when the level cap is forty-two, and before it was level ten!? I mainly play on the main site now, ( but just found out you can play it here too, (also yes, my characters name is Plain,) and I really enjoy this game, so many bosses,beautiful images,chances to play with friends, and I just absolutely adore this game. Seems like a lot of work to make such a detailed game full of cool stuff, but then again, I'm writing this in 2020, and wasn't this game made in 2010?! So that's 10 years to update a game, wow.. Was this game seriously named Pineapple and strawberries? Bosses and dungeons, monsters and quests... Anyways I really love this game and I hope the future of this game will be even better than it already is! :3
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